Code Samples


Welcome to FileSpin Headless DAM API Documentation!

This documentation covers everything you need as a developer to:-

Contact us

For developer support, email us at, use the Help button on the Dashboard once you have logged-in or visit the Support site

DAM Basics

Within FileSpin, the following terms have specific and actionable meaning:-

Term Definition
Asset A File and it's Metadata
Role A label for a set of permissions that allow associated actions within FileSpin
User A valid FileSpin account that has a Role

What is an Asset

Within FileSpin an Asset is the main entity. It contains the file you want to manage and associated metadata.

A simple way to remember what an Asset is:


Who is a User

Access to FileSpin is through a User (a.k.a. User Account). A User Account provides login-based access to Web Dashboard and API-based access to headless DAM API.

What is a User Role

The User Role determines the actions a User Account can perform within FileSpin. Each User has a Role assigned.

FileSpin provides the following system-defined user roles:-

Role ID Role Name Description
1 ADMIN Manage assets (create/upload, view, edit, download, distribute, delete, restore & purge), manage users (create, update and disable), manage global settings
2 MANAGER Manage assets (create/upload, view, edit,download, distribute, delete, restore), manage their own settings
3 CREATOR Create/upload, edit, download and distribute assets
4 USER View and download assets

What are User Permissions

Permissions are string tokens that define what actions a user is allowed to perform. Permissions are determined by User Role as below.

Role ID Role Name Permissions Description
3 USER READ_ASSET View and download assets

What are User Groups

Users are grouped under the Administrator User who created the Users. Users within a User Group can access assets created by other users is they have Group Asset Access enabled.

Asset Access Security

Here's a quick rundown of how FileSpin implements secure access for Assets using Users, Roles, Permissions and Groups:-

Before you begin

Service endpoints

Our service endpoints are listed below. All our services are over https.

Service Base URL

Code examples

The column on the right has code examples. When you are at a specific API within the documentation, checkout the side panel.

Asset ID and API Keys

A quick introduction to some of the IDs used within FileSpin service that you should be aware of.

Asset ID

This is a unique identifier for a file within our service. It is composed of 36 alphanumeric characters, like 678d1dbb934c4a42aa4833e893346857

When you integrate an application with, most often this is the ID you would store within your application.


This is the secret key that you will use to access FileSpin API. FileSpin will not disclose this to anyone except you. You should keep this well protected.

The API Key is unique to you. It is composed of 36 alphanumeric characters.


This is the Key for use in the File Picker for associating a file upload with your FileSpin account. The Upload Key is unique to you. It is composed of 36 alphanumeric characters.

UPLOAD KEY cannot be used anywhere except with File Picker to upload assets. It cannot be used to view or access uploaded assets.

Access ID

This is a unique ID associated with a user account. This may be required to retrieve signed URLs using certain APIs.

Asset Storage

Amazon S3

You may use FileSpin's storage or alternately use your own Amazon AWS S3 storage for storing assets and conversions.

If you are using your own S3 storage, please add the policy shown below to all the S3 Buckets you use in your FileSpin Storage settings. This policy allows FileSpin to store assets and processed files into your bucket. S3 Bucket Policy

  "Id": "FileSpinBucketPolicy",
  "Statement": [
      "Sid": "Stmt1295042087538",
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Principal": {
        "AWS": ["arn:aws:iam::103679559772:root"]
      "Action": [
      "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::YOUR-BUCKET/*"
      "Sid": "Stmt1295042087538",
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Principal": {
        "AWS": "arn:aws:iam::103679559772:root"
      "Action": "s3:DeleteObject",
      "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::YOUR-BUCKET/*"
      "Sid": "Stmt1295042087538",
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Principal": {
        "AWS": ["arn:aws:iam::103679559772:root"]
      "Action": [
      "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::YOUR-BUCKET"

File Picker Web Widget

FileSpin File Picker is a web widget for your users to upload files from their computer or pick files from their Cloud accounts and send it to your application.

Get started with File Picker

Start by including filespin.js just before the closing body tag in your HTML.

<script type="text/javascript"

Then, initialize Picker for use with the UPLOAD_KEY associated with the FileSpin account. You can get the UPLOAD_KEY from FileSpin Account Dashboard.

    uploadKey: "UPLOAD_KEY"

Example HTML

Here is a complete example that shows how to setup an "Upload Files" button on a web page

<!-- a button for user to start file uploads-->
<button id="upload">Upload Files </button>

<!-- Insert this just before the closing body tag -->
<script type="text/javascript"

  //initialize and open File Picker on button press
  document.getElementById('upload').addEventListener('click', function() {
      uploadKey: "UPLOAD_KEY"

Picker Limitations

Picker API

Picker provides a rich set of APIs so you can control how the Picker works to suit your web application needs.

initPicker API

This API is the starting point for Picker. Use this to initialize the Picker. It uses sensible default options which can be overridden.

//Initialize the Picker. Replace UPLOAD_KEY with the correct key

  uploadKey: "UPLOAD_KEY",

initPicker API with callback on ready event

FileSpin.initPicker(settings, function() {}) API can be used to safely take actions only when the Picker is ready. You can pass a callback function as the second argument which will be called when the Picker is ready.

//Initialize the Picker with `display` set to `false`
//When Picker is ready, display an alert using the callback function.

    uploadKey: "UPLOAD_KEY",
    display: false,
  function () {
    //this function is called when picker is initialized and ready
    alert("Picker ready!");

showPicker API

Use this API to programmatically show the File Picker dialog. Using this in conjunction with hidePicker() API and display parameter of initPicker() API, you can realize advanced user interactions.

//Show Picker API

hidePicker API

Use this API to programmatically hide the File Picker dialog.

//Hide Picker API

resetPicker API

If you need to return the user to file selection after an upload, use this API. Reset will not alter the Picker's initialization state. It is purely a UI reset.

//Reset Picker API

minimizePicker API

Use this API to programmatically minimize Picker modal and place it at bottom-right of user window.

//Minimize Picker Modal

maximizePicker API

Use this API to programmatically maximize a minimized Picker modal.

//Maximize Picker Modal

delete API to delete uploaded files

Use this API to delete uploaded files in one upload session.

This API takes three parameters:-

  1. Upload ID, a unique ID that is returned when you open the Upload dialog with FileSpin.initPicker() API
  2. A list of Asset IDs - note that Asset ID is returned in the complete upload event
  3. A callback function as a third parameter to handle API call success or error

Example code to delete a file that was uploaded

//Initialize Picker and get an uploadID
var uploadID = FileSpin.initPicker({
  uploadKey: "UPLOAD_KEY",

//setup Asset IDs list payload by listening to 'complete' event
//note that we are attempting to delete all the uploaded files here
// normally, this will not be the case
var file_ids;
FileSpin.on("complete", function (data) {
  file_ids = (item) {

//trigger delete with a delete button click and call the 'delete' API
document.getElementById("delete-button").onclick = function (e) {
  FileSpin.delete(uploadID, file_ids, function (err, response) {
    if (err) {
      // delete failed
      // err will be "UPDATE_UNAUTHORIZED" or "UPDATE_FAILED"
    } else {
      // delete succeeded
  return false;

Picker configuration

The Picker can be initialized with the following parameters.

Only the uploadKey is mandatory, all other parameters are optional.

By default, the FileSpin widget will allow users to upload local device. Dropbox uploads require additional setup (see Dropbox Support below).

Parameter Description
uploadKey required , your uploadKey
providers Valid options are local, weburl, dropbox, googledrive, box, flickr, onedrive. To customize which providers to show, provide an array of valid values
maxFilesize The maximum file size to allow (in MB, can be a float, like 250.5). Default is 5000 (5 GB).
minFilesize The minimum file size to allow (in MB, can be a float, like 0.01). Default is 0.01 (10 KB).
maxFiles The maximum number of files allowed. Default is 100.
allowedTypes An array of extensions allowed for upload. Example: ["jpg","png"]
autoUpload default false. if set to true, once a file is selected in the picker for any provider it will trigger the upload immediately.
maximizeOnOpen default is false. if set to true, picker modal will fill the viewing area
display if set to false, the picker is accessible only via its API, the dialog won't display. Default is true
minimizeOnUpload if set to true, when user clicks Upload, Picker will be minimized and placed at bottom-right of user window
hideOnUpload if set to true, when user clicks Upload, Picker is hidden immediately but uploads continue and events are fired as usual. Default is false
hideAfterUpload if set to true, the Picker is hidden once all uploads are completed. Default is false
css provide headerColor and headerTextColor to control the Picker Window header colors
lang Sets the widget UI display language. Can be en, fr, de or es. If not set, defaults to the user browser's language where possible otherwise falls back to en (English).
fileToReplaceId Asset ID for file replace. Used when Picker is openeed in Asset replace mode
serviceToken Used when Picker is opened in Asset replace mode. See Asset replace mode for more

Dropbox Support

Please note that in order to use dropbox provider you must provide your own App Key and App Secret for OAuth2 flow. You can create an app and get the App Key and Secret from Dropbox App Console. After obtaining the details from Dropbox, you can specify the Dropbox App Key and Secret in your FileSpin Account Authorization Settings.

Picker configuration with all options

Here is a sample initPicker API with all available options set to their defaults (excluding Asset replace mode).

//Initialize Picker with all available options

  uploadKey: "UPLOAD_KEY",
  lang: "en", //Picker Dialog language - en, fr, de, es, zh, ja
  providers: ["local", "weburl", "flickr", "box", "onedrive", "googledrive"],
  maxFilesize: 5000,
  minFilesize: 0.01,
  maxFiles: 100,
  allowedTypes: ["jpg", "png", "gif", "mp4", "wav", "mp3"],
  css: { headerColor: "#fff", headerTextColor: "#000" },
  display: true,
  maximizeOnOpen: true,
  minimizeOnUpload: false,
  hideOnUpload: false,
  hideAfterUpload: false,
  autoUpload: false,

Picker Events

"start" event - JSON Sample

  "provider": "local",
  "files": [
      "name": "sample.pdf",
      "size": 884888

"complete" event - JSON Sample

  "provider": "local",
  "files": [
      "id": "54dcbfbe2b124361a6ff4c62814789c7",
      "name": "sample.pdf",
      "size": 884888,
      "success": true,
      "message": "UPLOAD_SUCCESS"

When users upload files using filespin.js, it will emit start and complete events detailed below:-

Event Description
ready raised when the Picker Dialog is ready and displayed. This event does not supply any data.
close raised when the Picker Dialog is closed by user. This event does not supply any data.
start raised when a user has initiated upload of a file. This will not be triggered for Cloud Uploads.
complete raised when an upload has finished, whether error or success. If upload is successful for a file, a unique Asset ID is returned in id.

Listening to Picker Events

To listen for events, use the FileSpin.on API. You can listen to start, complete or all events using the special * event.

//listen to 'start' event
FileSpin.on("start", function (data) {

//listen to 'complete' event
FileSpin.on("complete", function (data) {

//listen to all events
FileSpin.on("*", function (data, eventName) {
  console.log(eventName, "triggered with data", data);

//Stop listening to 'complete' event"complete", myEventHandler);

Event data JSON format and samples

"complete" event - Upload success JSON Sample

  "provider": "local",
  "files": [
      "id": "54dcbfbe2b124361a6ff4c62814789c7",
      "name": "sample.pdf",
      "size": 884888,
      "success": true,
      "message": "UPLOAD_SUCCESS"

Upload events raised provide JSON formatted data. The data format is intentionally simple and the keys are as below:-

Key Description
provider source where files were picked from, it is one of the valid provider values
files list of files

Event data samples for start event raised when upload starts and complete event raised when upload completes are shown in the code samples to the right.

Upload failures

"complete" event - Upload failed JSON Sample

  "provider": "local",
  "files": [
      "id": null,
      "name": "sample.pdf",
      "size": 884888,
      "success": false,
      "message": "UPLOAD_FAILED"

"complete" event - Upload unauthorized JSON Sample

  "provider": "local",
  "files": [
      "id": null,
      "name": "sample.pdf",
      "size": 884888,
      "success": false,
      "message": "UPLOAD_UNAUTHORIZED"

When uploads fail, it could be due to any of the following reasons:-

For network or server error, "message" will be set to UPLOAD_FAILED. In both failure cases, "id" is null and "success" is false.

For unauthorized or incorrect upload key, message will be set to UPLOAD_UNAUTHORIZED.

Picker Replace mode

Using Picker's Asset replace mode you can replace a file that was uploaded earlier. In order to use this mode, you'll need:-

  1. ID of the file you want to replace
  2. uploadKey to initialize the Picker
  3. serviceToken to open Picker in replacement mode

How to get the ServiceToken

serviceToken is a short-lived token that must be retrieved using a API call to FileSpin Service. Call the API by supplying your API_KEY and scope=EDIT_ASSET parameter. cURL example is shown below:-

curl -X "GET" \
"" \
-H "X-FileSpin-Api-Key:API_KEY"

Using ServiceToken in Picker for replacing a file

The following code sample shows how to use ServiceToken to start a file replace.

  uploadKey: "UPLOAD_KEY",
  serviceToken: "SERVICE_TOKEN",
  fileToReplaceId: "REPLACEABLE_ASSET_ID",

Save form data

Sometimes you may wish to store additional data with files that users upload such as form data or custom JSON data. The FileSpin.update API allows you to easily do this. The API takes three parameters:-

  1. Upload ID, a unique ID that is returned when you open the Upload dialog with FileSpin.initPicker() API
  2. A dictionary object with Asset ID as key and JSON data as value - note that file ID is returned in the complete upload event
  3. A callback function as a third parameter to handle API call success or error

Example that shows how to save some data with a file including searcheable keywords

//Initialize Picker and get an uploadID
var uploadID = FileSpin.initPicker({
  uploadKey: "UPLOAD_KEY",

//prepare JSON data you want to save with the file
//use "filespin_search_txt" to add searcheable keywords
var payload = {
  "Asset ID 1": {
    foo: "bar",
    filespin_search_txt: "sample search keywords",
  "Asset ID 2": { foo: "bar" },

//Save the data
FileSpin.update(uploadID, payload, function (err) {
  if (err) {
    // data update failed
  } else {
    // data storage succeeded

If filespin_search_txt is present in the JSON data, it is treated as a special key whose value will be indexed for search using Search API.

You can update arbitrary data against all or any file id returned in the complete event. Simply pass the data against each file id you would like to be updated.

JSON Schema for Custom Data

FileSpin optionally supports JSON Schema for Asset Form Data. Assigning schema to asset data enables versatile field-based search and additional data validations.

Once Asset schemas have been setup for an account, you can pass the schema id __data_schema_id as shown below along with form data to automatically assign a schema to the asset data.

//pass "__data_schema_id" to assign a JSON Schema for the asset data

var payload = {
  "Asset ID 1": {
    fieldA: "value1",
    fieldB: "value2",
    "__data_schema_id": 1,
  "Asset ID 2": {
    fieldA: "value11",
    fieldB: "value22",
    __data_schema_id: 1,

Note that __data_schema_id is a reserved key to indicate the schema to be used and will not be stored as part of the form data.

Showing a thumbnail after upload

To display a thumbnail of the uploaded file immediately within your web page, use the On-demand Image URL:-


Replace {ASSET_ID} with the actual file ID and set the resize WIDTH, HEIGHT parameters.

An example on-demand URL would look like below:-


Internationalization (i18n) of Picker

The following languages are supported out-of-the-box by File Picker UI.

Key Description
English en
French fr
German de
Spanish es
Italian it
Chinese zh
Japanese ja

The Picker will detect the browser's language and will set the language automatically with English as the default fallback. This behavior can be overridden by passing the lang parameter to the initPicker API.

Opening Picker in a specific language

To open Picker in a specific language, use lang parameter.

  uploadKey: "UPLOAD_KEY",
  lang: "zh", //sets chinese language for the interface

Web Connector Widget

FileSpin Connector simplifies integration of with your web application so that users can search and use images, videos and documents hosted in from right within your application.

With FileSpin Connector, users can:-

  1. Search for files using image annotation search. For example, they can search for all images that contain, say, Eiffel tower
  2. Find files using advanced search with various parameters such as file name, size, etc
  3. Preview images and videos
  4. Select files for use within your application, such as embedding thumbnails and videos
  5. Dynamically create secure File Distributions that can be used within your application

Get started with FileSpin Connector

Start by including filespin.js just before the closing body tag in your HTML.

<script type="text/javascript"

Then, initialize Connector with Service Token. For obtaining a ServiceToken, see below Get Service Token section.


How to get the ServiceToken

serviceToken is a short-lived token that must be retrieved using a API call to Service. Call the API by supplying your API_KEY and scope=READ_ASSET. cURL example is shown below:-

curl -X "GET" \
"" \
-H "X-FileSpin-Api-Key:API_KEY"

The following code sample shows how to use ServiceToken to initialize the connector.


Connector configuration

The Connector specific options are listed below. serviceToken is mandatory. All other parameters are optional.

Parameter Type Description
serviceToken string (required) mandatory to initialize Connector
lang string (optional) Sets the Connector language. Can be en, fr, de or es. If not set, defaults to the user browser's language where possible otherwise falls back to en (English).
maxSelection integer (optional) Maximum files a user can select. Default is 30 (Connector has a limit of 30 files, any higher value will be reset to 30)
hideOnMaxSelect boolean (optional) Hide Conenctor when maxSelection is reached. Default is false.
dialogTitle object (optional) Customize dialog title. Default is FileSpin Connector. See below for object structure.

Connector dialog title in multiple languages

Supply custom dialog title in multiple languages like below:-

  "en": "Dialog title english",
  "fr": "Dialog title french"

Title will be set based on user browser's language or based on lang parameter. Default fallback is english title FileSpin Connector.

Connector with all options

Here is a code sample that initializes the Connector with all available options set to their defaults.

  lang: "en", //Connector Dialog language - en, fr, de, es, zh, ja
  maxSelection: 30,
  hideOnMaxSelect: false,
  dialogTitle: {
    en: "FileSpin Connector",

Connector - User File Selection

Users can select files listed in the Connector by clicking on the thumbnail.

Each file selected by user triggers a connector-file-selected event. By listening to this event, you can receive the selected file's details and take action within your application (such as adding selected files to user's basket within your application).

For more details about events, see Connector Events.

Connector API

Connector provides a rich set of APIs so you can control how it works to suit your web application needs.


This API is the starting point for Connector. Use this to initialize the Connector. It uses sensible default options which can be overridden.

initConnector with default options

Initialze Connector with default options. serviceToken is a mandatory parameter.


initConnector with callback on ready

FileSpin.initConnector(settings, function() {}) API can be used to safely take actions only when the Connector is ready. You can pass a callback function as the second argument which will be called when the Connector is ready.

Below code initializes the Connector, and using the callback function when the Connector is ready, it displays an alert and shows the Connector.

    serviceToken: "INSERT_YOUR_SERVICE_TOKEN",
  function () {
    //this function is called when Connector is initialized and ready
    alert("Connector ready!");


Use this API to programmatically show the Connector dialog.



Use this API to programmatically hide the Connector dialog.



This API resets the Connector by clearing current search and any file selections. It does not change the initialization parameters.



Convenience method to update Connector with the new settings without reloading it.


connectorSettings are the same as for initConnector API as defined in Connector configuration above.

Here is a sample connectorSettings:-

  lang: "en",
  maxSelection: 30,
  hideOnMaxSelect: false,
  dialogTitle: {
    en: "FileSpin Connector",

Connector Events

When users select and deselect files or create File Distributions, filespin.js will emit events as detailed below:-

Event Description
ready raised when the Connector Dialog is ready and displayed. This event does not supply any data.
closeConnector raised when the Connector Dialog is closed by user. This event does not supply any data.
connector-file-selected raised when the user selects a file
connector-file-deselected raised when the user deselects a file

Listening to Connector Events

To listen to events, use the FileSpin.on API. You can listen to a specific event or all events using the special * event.

//listen to 'connector-file-selected' event
FileSpin.on("connector-file-selected", function (data) {

  //Perhaps, hide the Connector once a file is selected

//listen to all events
FileSpin.on("*", function (data, eventName) {
  console.log(eventName, "triggered with data", data);

Connector Event Data

The events provide file data in the following formats:-

Event Data Format
connector-file-selected Standard Asset Data Format
connector-file-deselected Standard Asset Data Format

Internationalization (i18n) of Connector

The following languages are supported out-of-the-box by File Connector:-

English en
French fr
German de
Spanish es
Italian it
Chinese zh
Japanese ja

The Connector will detect the browser's language and will set the language automatically with English as the default fallback. This behavior can be overridden by passing the lang parameter to the initConnector API.

Opening Connector in a specific language

To open Connector in a specific language, use lang parameter.

  lang: "zh", //sets chinese language for the interface

Image Transformations

FileSpin provides two ways to transform and display images:-

On-demand Image Transformations

Get started with on-demand images

Use the Asset ID and request a image transformation like below:-{ASSET_ID}/conversions?resize=200,200

Where resize=200,200 requests a resized image of width 200px and height 200px.

By default, the returned images will be webp or avif format for supported browsers with JPG as fallback format. This can be changed using the format option.

Here is a sample on-demand image request URL used in a img tag:-


The following sections describe all the image transformations supported.

ODI Limitations


Request a resized image that fits in a rectangle of given width and height without changing the aspect ratio.

Transformation Examples Description
resize=width,height resize=100,100 request a resized image that fits in a rectangle of given width,height
resize=width,height,fill:color resize=100,150,fill:red
resize and fill any gaps with given color

The transformation parameters are described below:-

Parameter Description
width width of the transformation requested. Specify 0 (zero) for original source image width or the maximum allowed (2048)
height height of the transformation requested. Specify 0 (zero) for original source image height or the maximum allowed (1536)
fill:color (optional) fill color to fit to the specified size when preserving aspect ratio. color can be auto, transparent or HTML color name such as red or hexadecimal color code such as FF0000


Get a cropped region from the original image, with optional face detection.

Transformation Examples Description
crop=left,top,width,height crop=150,170,200,50 request a cropped region from the original image

The transformation parameters are described below:-

Parameter Description
left left pixel co-ordinate for the crop
top top pixel co-ordinate for the crop
width width of the cropped image
height height of the cropped image


Watermarked image transformations can be done in two ways:-

  1. Providing dynamic watermark options such as watermark image, placement, etc as URL parameters
  2. Using the pre-defined watermark options already setup in the user's account settings

Watermark option can be combined with all other transformation options such as resize, crop, etc.

Using dynamic watermark options


Generate a watermarked image transformation by providing all the watermark options as URL parameters. This method allows you to apply different watermarks for the same image depending on the use case.

Parameter Description
watermark_image Watermark image URL such as
x Horizontal watermark position starting at left: integer like 0 or 10 - negative value such as -0 will start placement at right, center - places watermark in the center, repeat - repeats the watermark horizontally
y Vertical watermark position starting at top : integer like 0 or 10 - negative value such as -0 will start placement at bottom, center - places watermark in the center, repeat - repeats the watermark vertically
opacity watermark image transparency, 0 is fully opaque, 100 is fully transparent, all values in between to alter opacity
width_scale (optional) percentage of the width of the image the watermark should fit-in. For example 20 would scale the watermark to fit within 20% of the image's width. Note: watermark aspect ratio will be preserved
height_scale (optional) percentage of the height of the image the watermark should fit-in


The complete URL would look like:-,1200&watermark=,-0,-0


Uses FileSpin logo as watermark and places it to the bottom right of the image. Watermark image is used with the original size. Note tha use of -0,-0 to place the watermark at the bottom right of the image.

The complete URL would look like:-,1200&watermark=,-0,0,0,40,40


Uses FileSpin logo as watermark and places it to the right top of the image. Watermark takes 40% of the image's width and height and opacity is 0 for fully opaque.

The complete URL would look like:-,1200&watermark=,repeat,-0,0,40,40


Uses FileSpin logo as watermark and repeats it horizontally at the bottom. Watermark takes 40% of the image's width and height.

Using User's default watermark

The complete URL would look like:-,1200&watermark={USER_ID},0,0,0


Where {USER_ID} should be replaced with the user's ID. Note that{USER_ID} is accessible publicly.

This option applies the watermark setup in the user's account settings.

background color

Fill transparent parts of a PNG image with a specified color. This is useful when you want fill an image that has transparent background with a specific color dynamically to match the web page style (such as in retail product image pages).


Consider this original PNG image with transparent background. As it has transparent background, you see the page color as the background color.

Below are some transformations with bgcolor that fills the background transparency with a specified color.

Transformation Examples Description
bgcolor=f00000 request a image with red background
bgcolor=008080 request a image with teal background

The transformation parameters are described below:-

Parameter Description
bgcolor=color specify the hex color code (6 characters - RRGGBB).


Specify the quality of the returned image (a value from 1 to 100). If not specified, default quality of 90 is applied. Quality determines the returned file size in bytes. Lower quality will yield smaller file size and hence faster page loads.

Transformation Description
quality=integer request a image transformation with a specific quality

The transformation parameters are described below:-

Parameter Description
quality a value from 1 to 100. Default is 90


Specify the format of the returned image. If not specified, format is implicitly set to avif or webp for supported browsers with JPG as fallback format.

Transformation Examples Description
format=type format=png request a png image
format=type&resize=width,height format=png&resize=100,100 request resized png image

The transformation parameters are described below:-

Parameter Description
type webp, avif, png, jpg or gif


Trim removes the same color pixels from the edges of the image. This is useful when you want to remove the white space around an image.

Transformation Examples Description
trim=tolerance trim&resize=100,100
request a trimmed image with normal tolerance

The transformation parameters are described below:-

Parameter Description
tolerance can be 0 to 10, where 0 compares edge pixel colors strictly and 10 treats them equal if they are close enough. A tolerance of 10 will trim even if they are small color gradient in surrounding pixels.


Rotate the image anti-clockwise by an angle.

Transformation Examples Description
rotate=angle rotate=90&resize=100,100
request a image rotated 90 degrees anti-clockwise
rotate=angle&resize=width,height rotate=180&resize=100,100
request a 180 degress rotated resized image

The transformation parameters are described below:-

Parameter Description
angle can be can be 90, 180 or 270


Flip an image left to right (horizontal) or top to bottom (vertical).

Transformation Examples Description
flip=type flip=v&resize=100,100
request a image flipped vertically
flip=type&resize=width,height flip=h&resize=100,100
request a image flipped horizontally and resized

The transformation parameters are described below:-

Parameter Description
type v for vertical flip, h for horizontal flip


Effects are transformations applied after all other conversion options such as width, height, etc are applied.

Parameter Description
effect can be grayscale, blur, roundcorner


Request a grayscale image

Transformation Example Description
effects=grayscale request a grayscale image
effects=grayscale&resize=200,200 request resized grayscale image


Request a blurred image

Transformation Example Description
effects=blur&resize=100,100 request a blurred image with default blur value of 20
effects=blur:5&resize=200,200 request resized blurred image with blur value of 5
Parameter Description
blur:value value can be from 0 to 150. Default blur is 20


Request a image with round corner

Transformation Example Description
effects=roundcorner&resize=100,100 request a roundcorner image
effects=roundcorner:50:128:128:128&resize=100,100 request roundcorner resized image with a radius of 50 and gray background behind rounded corner
Parameter Description
roundcorner:radius:r:g:b radius controls the amount of roundedness, defaults to 20.
r,g,b are the red, blue and green color values to fill the background behind the rounded corners. The values default to 255,255,255 (white)

Multiple effects

Combine multiple effects

Transformation Example Description
effects=grayscale,roundcorner:30&resize=200,200 request grayscale roundcorner resized image
effects=blur:5,roundcorner&resize=200,200 request roundcorner blurred resized image

Signed URL for image transformations

Signed URL with php

$api_key = '0c3c6d026858460abc4de1dcb4de15ac'
$string_to_sign = '0c3c6d026858460abc4de1dcb4de15ac?resize=300,300&expiry=1452894790&accessId=IZJTAMBQGAYDAMBQGAYDAMBQGAYDANKT'
$signature = urlencode(base64_encode(hash_hmac('sha1', $string_to_sign, $api_key, true)));
$signed_url = ''.$string_to_sign.'&signature='.$signature

Signed URL with python

import base64, hmac, hashlib, urllib
from six import text_type, b

API_KEY = '0c3c6d026858460abc4de1dcb4de15ac'
string_to_sign = '0c3c6d026858460abc4de1dcb4de15ac?resize=300,300&expiry=1452894790&accessId=IZJTAMBQGAYDAMBQGAYDAMBQGAYDANKT'
signature = urllib.quote_plus(base64.urlsafe_b64encode(, text_type(string_to_sign).encode('utf-8'), hashlib.sha1).digest()))
signed_url = '%s%s&signature=%s' % ('',string_to_sign,signature)

Signed URL with java

import javax.crypto.Mac;
import javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec;

String api_key = "0c3c6d026858460abc4de1dcb4de15ac";
String string_to_sign = "0c3c6d026858460abc4de1dcb4de15ac?resize=300,300&expiry=1452894790&accessId=IZJTAMBQGAYDAMBQGAYDAMBQGAYDANKT";
SecretKeySpec signingKey = new SecretKeySpec(key.getBytes(), "HmacSHA1");
Mac mac = Mac.getInstance("HmacSHA1");
byte[] hmac = mac.doFinal(string_to_sign.getBytes());
String signature = Encoding.EncodeBase64(hmac);
String signed_url = "" + string_to_sign + "&signature=" + signature;

If Secure On-demand Images option is enabled in your settings, then you must use signed URLs for on-demand images.

Steps to generate signed URL

Besides the File Id and size parameters, you'll need the below:-

Parameter Type Description
API Key string Your API Key. This is available in your Authorization Settings page.
EXPIRY integer Seconds since Unix Epoch time.
ACCESS_ID string Access Id that must be used to sign URLs. You can obtain your account's Access Id from the Authorization Settings page.

Signing a image URL is done by setting an expiry and signing the URL using your FileSpin API_KEY and Access Id. The signing process is as below:-

  1. Take the URL part staring with the ASSET_ID, excluding the signature part, like 0c3c6d026858460abc4de1dcb4de15ac?resize=300,300&expiry=1452894790&accessId=IZJTAMBQGAYDAMBQGAYDAMBQGAYDANKT, where expiry is seconds since Epoch time
  2. Using your API Key, Access Id and the above URL part as the string-to-sign, calculate the HMAC signature
  3. Encode the signature to a base64 string, then URL encode the resulting string and append it to the URL as signature query parameter value

Example signed image URL,300&expiry=1452894790&accessId=IZJTAMBQGAYDAMBQGAYDAMBQGAYDANKT&signature=vsR0_NFfeLEJPc8MXWMh2xI2Qvg%3D

Downloadable URL for image transformations

These options allow you to set additional URL parameters that sets Content-Disposition HTTP headers such that when user accesses the URL via a browser, the image transformation downloads to their device as a file with appropriate extension.

The parameters are described below:-

Parameter Description
delivery Set this to download
dl_prefix Set this to the name of the downlod file without the extension
format Mandatory parameter for image downloads to set the format of the file. Do not set this if already set via format option

Example downloadable image URL

The URL below will download a 300x300 image transformation called testimage.jpg to user's device.,300&delivery=download&dl_prefix=testimage&format=jpg

Static Image Conversions

Static Image Conversions are image sizes that are pre-generated and stored in cloud storage before they can be delivered. Usually, these are image transformations that cannot be done on-demand (for example, Zoomable image conversion).

Static Image Conversions can be setup within an account's Image Settings page to be generated automatically on image uploads. They can also be done via /process API call. See Asset Processing API section on how to use the /process API.

Requesting a static image conversion for display

To request a static image conversion, use the same URL as the On-demand image with the static image conversion name appended, like


where, conversion_name is the custom name specified for the static conversion in your Image Settings.

For example, if the account has a static image conversion called black_and_white, this can be requested via:

A 300x300 resized static conversion can be requested via:,300

Requesting a non-public static image conversion

If a static image conversion is not public, the request must be authenticated. This can be done in two ways:-

Video Transcoding & Streaming

FileSpin provide extensive video transcoding capabilities to process many video input formats into standard output formats suitable for various devices.

Following outputs are supported:-

In addition to above, FileSpin supports:-

Transcoding a video

FileSpin provides a number of ways to transcode videos:-

Streaming a Video

Example Video stream URL

Example Video Thumbnail/Poster Image URL,600

Video transcodes are stored in cloud storage and can be requested via FileSpin CDN for global playback with ultra-low latency. Video Stream URL for playback takes the below format:-

Video Stream URL{ASSET_ID}/transcodes/{TRANSCODE_KEY}

Poster image URL{ASSET_ID}/conversions?resize={width},{height}

Parameter Description
{ASSET_ID} Asset ID, 32 character alphanumeric UUID
{TRANSCODE_KEY} 480p-video.mp4, 720p-video.mp4, 720p-wm-video.mp4 or any available video transcode for video stream url. Use playlist.m3u8 for Adaptive bitrate/HLS transcode.

Note: Poster image is supplied as On-demand image. All On-demand Image conversions can be applied to this image.

Embedding Video in a Web page

Displaying a video in a webpage is as simple as providing the correct URLs.


HLS Video playback

Displaying a HLS video requires you to provide a stream info file.

To stream video in HTTP Live Streaming (HLS) format, the video URL must be provided as below:

HLS Video URL{ASSET_ID}/transcodes/playlist.m3u8

FileSpin dynamically generates and supplies playlist.m3u8 if HLS streams have been generated for a video.

Signed URL for video transcodes

Code example in php

$api_key = '678d1dbb934c4a42aa4833e893346857'
$string_to_sign = 'f99255d2bf8142b29561641491e9940c/transcodes/480p-video.mp4?expiry=1452894790&accessId=IZJTAMBQGAYDAMBQGAYDAMBQGAYDANKT'
$signature = urlencode(base64_encode(hash_hmac('sha1', $string_to_sign, $api_key, true)));
$signed_url = ''.$string_to_sign.'&signature='.$signature

Code example in python

import base64, hmac, hashlib, urllib
from six import text_type, b

API_KEY = '678d1dbb934c4a42aa4833e893346857'
string_to_sign = 'f99255d2bf8142b29561641491e9940c/transcodes/480p-video.mp4?expiry=1452894790&accessId=IZJTAMBQGAYDAMBQGAYDAMBQGAYDANKT'
signature = urllib.quote_plus(base64.urlsafe_b64encode(, text_type(string_to_sign).encode('utf-8'), hashlib.sha1).digest()))
signed_url = '%s%s&signature=%s' % ('',string_to_sign,signature)

Code example in java

import javax.crypto.Mac;
import javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec;

String api_key = "678d1dbb934c4a42aa4833e893346857";
String string_to_sign = "f99255d2bf8142b29561641491e9940c/transcodes/480p-video.mp4?expiry=1452894790&accessId=IZJTAMBQGAYDAMBQGAYDAMBQGAYDANKT";
SecretKeySpec signingKey = new SecretKeySpec(key.getBytes(), "HmacSHA1");
Mac mac = Mac.getInstance("HmacSHA1");
byte[] hmac = mac.doFinal(string_to_sign.getBytes());
String signature = Encoding.EncodeBase64(hmac);
String signed_url = "" + string_to_sign + "&signature=" + signature;

In order to use a signed URL that provides URL expiry and security, you must generate the URL by setting an expiry and signing the URL using your FileSpin API_KEY and Access Id.

Besides the File Id and the transcode type (such as 480p-video.mp4), you'll need the below:-

Parameter Type Description
API Key string Your API Key. This is available in your Authorization Settings page.
EXPIRY integer Seconds since Unix Epoch time.
ACCESS_ID string Access Id that must be used to sign URLs. You can obtain your account's Access Id from the Authorization Settings page.

The signing process is as below (see code samples to the right):-

  1. Take the URL part staring with the FILE_ID and add an expiry in seconds since Epoch time and your Access Id, like 678d1dbb934c4a42aa4833e893346857/transcodes/480p-video.mp4?expiry=1452894790&accessId=IZJTAMBQGAYDAMBQGAYDAMBQGAYDANKT
  2. Using your API Key and the above URL part as the string-to-sign, calculate the HMAC signature
  3. Encode the signature to a base64 string and append as signature query parameter value

Example of a signed video URL

Downloadable URL for video transcodes

These options allow you to set additional URL parameters that sets Content-Disposition HTTP header such that when user accesses the URL via a browser, the video transcode downloads to their device as a file.

The parameters are described below:-

Parameter Description
delivery Set this to download
dl_prefix Set this to the name of the downlod file without the extension

Example downloadable video URL

The URL below will downloads the 480p watermarked video transcode called testvideo.mp4 to user's device.

API Overview

FileSpin exposes all its features via a comprehensive API. Use this API to manage Assets, Users, Asset Collections, Addons, etc.


FileSpin API calls require a valid API Key or Authorization HTTP Header.

Using API Key

Replace {API_KEY} with your API Key

curl -H "X-FileSpin-Api-Key:{API_KEY}"

Send API request with API key in request header like:-


Where {API_KEY} should be replaced with your API Key

Using JSON Web Token (JWT)

Replace {JWT} with the token from Login API response

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer {JWT}"

JSON Web Token (JWT) is an open standard (RFC 7519) for secure communication. You can use FileSpin JWT to create rich Web applications such as such as reactjs apps that run inside the web browser. The entire FileSpin API is available for use opening up the possibility to create custom web interfaces that suit your business needs.

Send API request with JWT in request header like:-

Authorization: Bearer {JWT}

Where {JWT} should be replaced with the token obtained via /login API.

Web Application Login & JWT

Web applications should use this API to retrieve JWT and user profile.

Login and obtain JWT and User profile

curl -X "POST" -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{  "email": "",
   "password": "PASSWORD"






Parameter Type Description
email string Login email ID
password string Login password


A JSON with JWT and other user details.

Response with JWT

  "user_id": 42,
  "user_email": "",
  "username": "John Doe",
  "jwt": "JWT",
  "role_id": 1,
  "role_name": "ADMIN",
  "uploadkey": "ec5139a372f6478d97365ec0df9c9a814",
  "notifications": ["Notification message 1"]
Parameter Type Description
jwt string JSON Web Token. Use this in API calls. See Authentication for details.
user_id string Login email ID
user_email string Login password
username string User name as Firstname Lastname
role_id integer User role ID
role_name string User role name
uploadkey string File Uploadkey for use in Picker
notifications string List of notification messages since last login

API Response Codes

API calls return the following HTTP response codes:

Code Meaning
200 OK -- Request was successful
202 Received -- Request was received successfully. Further processing may happen asynchronously.
400 Bad Request -- Request has incorrect parameters
401 Unauthorized -- Requested operation not permitted
403 Forbidden -- Request is not allowed for the API key
404 Not Found -- Requested resource is not found
405 Method Not Allowed
422 Unprocessable Content - Feature Not Available
429 Too Many Requests -- Slow down!
500 Internal Server Error -- We had a problem with our server. Try again later.
503 Service Unavailable -- We're temporarily offline for maintenance. Please try again later.

Asset API

FileSpin exposes all its features via a comprehensive API. Use this API to manage Assets, Users, Asset Collections, Addons, etc.

Asset Data Format

FileSpin returns Asset data in a standard JSON format as below for all Asset API calls. In addition, data posted to your Webhooks will also be of this format.

Asset Data JSON Format - Example

  "id": "99d819953914402babbdeb68337ea6a3",
  "status": "OK",
  "name": "",
  "size": 8836363,
  "checksum": "5f5f26bd7c0f62c6e02e44c73d09734e",
  "provider": "local",
  "storage_type": "AMAZON_S3",
  "bucket": "filespin-labs",
  "key": "/99d819953914402babbdeb68337ea6a3/sample.jpg",
  "public": false,
  "content_type": "video/quicktime",
  "creator_id": 272,
  "upload_time": "2015-07-02T08:12:56Z",
  "update_user_id": 272,
  "update_time": "2015-07-02T08:12:56Z",
  "upload_source": "",
  "data_schema_id": 1,
  "metadata": {
    "width": 1200,
    "height": 800,
    "duration": 30
  "data": {
    "foo": "bar"
  "conversions": {
    "720p-video": {
      "storage_type": "s3",
      "bucket": "filespin-labs",
      "key": "/99d819953914402babbdeb68337ea6a3/720p-video.mp4",
      "width": 1280,
      "height": 720,
      "duration": 30,
      "size": 716000,
      "public": true,
      "watermarked": false
    "hls-video": {
      "storage_type": "s3",
      "bucket": "filespin-labs",
      "key": "/99d819953914402babbdeb68337ea6a3/hls/playlist.m3u8",
      "width": 1280,
      "height": 720,
      "duration": 30,
      "size": 716000,
      "public": true,
      "watermarked": false
  "addons_info": {
      "available": true

JSON Parameters

Key Value Description
id string Asset's unique ID, 32 character alphanumeric UUID
status string OK if Asset was saved successfully,
NOT_READY if file is being saved,
ERROR if the asset has any errors (such as , if it is not a image or a video).
ARCHIVED if the asset is archived. An archived asset will be available in read-only mode and cannot be updated.
event string file-saved, file-processed or file-data-updated
name string File name
size integer Size of file in bytes
checksum string MD5 checksum
provider string The source of the file, local or one of the supported cloud providers
storage_type string Always AMAZON_S3 in this release
bucket string S3 Bucket name
key string S3 Object key for this file
public boolean true if file is publicly accessible, false otherwise
content_type string MIME type
creator_id integer User Id of file owner
update_user_id integer User Id of user updating file derivatives or file data
upload_time string ISO 8601 datetime
update_time string ISO 8601 datetime, when the file was last updated
upload_source string where the file was sourced from
data_schema_id integer JSON Schema Id for the asset data
metadata JSON Depending on Addons enabled, file metadata is returned. For image/video files, width, height in pixels and duration in seconds are always returned
data JSON Optional user-data stored along with an asset
conversions JSON Standard image/video conversions and those generated by addons
addon_info JSON Indicates which addons were processed for the asset
errors JSON Errors if any while processing asset. This will be like: {"original": "Original file appears to be invalid!"}

Asset Upload

Upload a single file and receive asset id (sample.jpg file should be present in the folder where the program is invoked)

curl -H "X-FileSpin-Api-Key:API_KEY" \
-X "POST" -F "file=@sample.jpg" \

Upload multiple files in a single request (use file1, file2, file3, etc. as field names. Each file will result in a new asset being created)

curl -H "X-FileSpin-Api-Key:API_KEY" \
        -X "POST" \
        -F "file1=@sample1.jpg" \
        -F "file2=@sample2.jpg" \
        -F "file3=@sample3.jpg" \

Use this API to upload one or more files and create assets within FileSpin. Once asset has been created, custom metadata can be added to the asset using Asset Update Data API.



Where API_KEY should be replaced with your API Key


POST (multipart/form-data)



Standard HTTP Status Code (200 or 202) and a JSON response like the one shown in the code sample to the right.

Response JSON - Example

  "files": [
      "id": "99d819953914402babbdeb68337ea6a3",
      "name": "sample.jpg",
      "size": 8836363,
      "checksum": "5f5f26bd7c0f62c6e02e44c73d09734e",
      "content_type": "image/jpeg",
      "metadata": {
        "Make": "Apple",
        "ColorSpace": "sRGB",
        "Model": "iPhone 3G",
        "Orientation": "Horizontal (normal)",
        "width": 1200,
        "height": 800
  "success": true,
  "provider": "local"
Key Value Description
files JSON List of files
id string Asset ID, 32 character alphanumeric UUID
name string File name
size integer Size of file in bytes
checksum string MD5 checksum
content_type string MIME type
provider string always "local" to indicate local upload
success boolean true if upload completed, false otherwise
metadata JSON Only returned for custom plans. Applies to image uploads. Where available, Exiftool tag values for 'ColorMode', 'ColorSpace', 'Orientation', 'Make' and 'Model' are returned. 'Width' and 'Height' are always returned

Asset Ingest from URI

Use of this API to request FileSpin to retrieve a file from external HTTP URL or a S3 Bucket and create an asset.



cURL sample request

curl -X "POST" "" \
     -H "X-FileSpin-Api-Key: 0de9d8e207974dc7b29c76372890e4ca" \
     -H "Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8" \
     -d $'{
  "name": "test.jpg",
  "key": "s3://my-bucket/test.jpg"

Using your API Key send a request as below:-


The request body should contain a JSON with name and key.

Key Value Description
name string A name to assign for the downloaded file
key string The file location. This can a http/https URL or a S3 object location (see examples below)
  "name": "test.jpg",
  "key": ""

Example request JSON payload

Request to pull a S3 file

  "name": "test.jpg",
  "key": "s3://my-bucket/test.jpg"

Request to pull a file from a https URL

  "name": "test.jpg",
  "key": ""


Standard HTTP Status code (202 or 200) and a JSON response like the one shown in the code sample to the right.

Response JSON - Example

  "id": "ceace459cd2a4d2c904e38e9ab352ebb",
  "status": "QUEUED",
  "message": "Queued for processing"
Key Value Description
id string Asset ID, 32 character alphanumeric UUID
status string "QUEUED" if request was successfully received, "ERROR" if request cannot be processed
message string Additional details about status

Asset Replace

Replace API_KEY with your API Key. sample.jpg file should be present in the folder where the program is invoked

curl -H "X-FileSpin-Api-Key:API_KEY" \
-X "POST" -F "file=@sample.jpg" \{ASSET_ID}/content/original/replace

API to replace the original content file of an asset while keeping the Asset ID unchanged.



Where API_KEY should be replaced with your API Key


POST{ASSET_ID}/content/original/replace (multipart/form-data)

Key Type Description
ASSET_ID string Asset's unique ID, 32 character alphanumeric UUID


HTTP Status code and JSON response like the one shown in the code sample to the right.

Response JSON - Example

  "files": [
      "id": "99d819953914402babbdeb68337ea6a3",
      "name": "sample.jpg",
      "size": 8836363,
      "checksum": "5f5f26bd7c0f62c6e02e44c73d09734e",
      "content_type": "image/jpeg",
      "metadata": {
        "Make": "Apple",
        "ColorSpace": "sRGB",
        "Model": "iPhone 3G",
        "Orientation": "Horizontal (normal)",
        "width": 1200,
        "height": 800
  "success": true,
  "provider": "local"
Key Value Description
files JSON List of files
id string Asset ID, 32 character alphanumeric UUID
name string File name
size integer Size of file in bytes
checksum string MD5 checksum
content_type string MIME type
provider string always "local" to indicate local upload
success boolean true if upload completed, false otherwise
metadata JSON Only returned for custom plans. Applies to image uploads. Where available, Exiftool tag values for 'ColorMode', 'ColorSpace', 'Orientation', 'Make' and 'Model' are returned. 'Width' and 'Height' are always returned

Asset Add Conversion

Replace API_KEY with your API Key. my_edited_copy.jpg file should be present in the folder where the program is invoked

curl -H "X-FileSpin-Api-Key:API_KEY" \
-X "POST" -F "file=@my_edited_copy.jpg" \

Use this API to upload and add a custom conversion file to an asset (such a manually edited copy of an image). The uploaded file will be stored as an asset's conversion in the Cloud Storage.



Where API_KEY should be replaced with your API Key


POST{ASSET_ID}/content/{CONVERSION_NAME} (multipart/form-data)

Key Value Description
ASSET_ID string Asset ID, 32 character alphanumeric UUID
CONVERSION_NAME string An identifier for the Conversion such as my_edited_copy. It must not exceed 30 characters. It can only be alphanumeric. Spaces are not allowed.


Standard HTTP Status code - 202 or 200

Asset Get Conversion

Asset conversions can be retrieved:-

As Static Image Conversion URL

Use the URL{ASSET_ID}/conversions/{conversion_name} and passing X-FileSpin-Api-Key:{API_KEY} or Authorization: Bearer {JWT} header

When using this option, all On-demand Image transformation options such as resize, crop, etc can be applied.

As a signed URL via /get_link API

Use /get_link API providing the conversion_name as CONTENT_KEY as described in Asset Get Link section

Asset Delete Conversion

Replace API_KEY with your API Key

curl -H "X-FileSpin-Api-Key:API_KEY" \
-X "POST" \

Use this API to delete a conversion file of an asset.



Where API_KEY should be replaced with your API Key



Key Value Description
ASSET_ID string Asset ID, 32 character alphanumeric UUID
CONVERSION_NAME string An identifier for the Conversion such as my_edited_copy. It must not exceed 30 characters. It can only be alphanumeric. Spaces are not allowed.


Appropriate HTTP Status Code as specified in API Overview section.

Asset Get Data

Get Asset Data

curl -H "X-FileSpin-Api-Key:API_KEY" \{ASSET_ID}/data

Retrieve an Asset's data that includes Core metadata, Custom metadata, conversions and addon details.



Where API_KEY should be replaced with your API Key




Parameter Description
ASSET_ID Asset ID, 32 character alphanumeric UUID


HTTP Status code and JSON response that follows Standard Asset Data Format.

Asset Update Data

Update Asset's custom data

curl -H "X-FileSpin-Api-Key:API_KEY" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" -d \
'{"data": {"input1": "value1"}, "mode":  "APPEND"}' \{ASSET_ID}/data/update

Save arbitrary JSON data with a file.



Where API_KEY should be replaced with your API Key




Parameter Description
ASSET_ID Asset ID, 32 character alphanumeric UUID


The request body should be a JSON with data and mode keys.

Example request

To update file data, send a JSON payload like below to store with the file.

  "data": {
    "input1": "value1",
    "input2": "value2",
    "filespin_search_txt": "MY_OWN_FILE_ID"
  "mode": "APPEND"
Key Value Description
data JSON JSON data to be saved with the file
mode string APPEND will append the data to any existing data, REPLACE will overwrite with the new data

JSON Schema support

FileSpin supports JSON Schema for Asset Data. Assigning schema to asset data enables versatile field-based search and additional data validations.

Once one or more schemas have been setup for an account, you can pass the optional schema id data_schema_id as shown below to automatically assign a schema to the asset data.

  "data": {
    "input1": "value1",
    "input2": "value2",
    "filespin_search_txt": "MY_OWN_FILE_ID"
  "mode": "APPEND",
  "data_schema_id": 1  


Response JSON

  "status": "OK",
  "message": "Data updated"

HTTP Status code and JSON response like the one shown in the code sample to the right.

Asset Download

Replace API_KEY with your API Key. sample.jpg file should be present in the folder where the program is invoked

#cURL sample

curl -H "X-FileSpin-Api-Key:API_KEY" \
-X "GET"{ASSET_ID}/content/{CONTENT_KEY}/download \
-o original.jpg

Use this API to retrieve the original file or a pre-defined image conversion or a video transcode. HTTP Range header can also be used to retrieve large file as multiple parts.



Where API_KEY should be replaced with your API Key




Parameter Type Description
ASSET_ID string Asset’s unique ID, 32 character alphanumeric UUID
CONTENT_KEY string “original” or any pre-defined conversion key for images and video transcodes. See your Settings for image and video keys.


The file is returned. Mime type and length of the content returned will be set in the response header.

Download large file as multiple parts

# Example using HTTP Range header to get a file as two parts. Assume the file size is 200 MB original video file.
#Get first 100 MB
curl -H "X-FileSpin-Api-Key:API_KEY" \
-X "GET" \
-r 0-104857600 \{ASSET_ID}/content/{CONTENT_KEY}/download \
-o part1

#Get second and final part
curl -H "X-FileSpin-Api-Key:API_KEY" \
-X "GET" \
-r 104857601-209715200 \{ASSET_ID}/content/{CONTENT_KEY}/download \
-o part2

#Merge the parts to get the original file
cat part1 part2 > original.mp4

You can use HTTP Range header parameter to download a large file as multiple parts. For details about the HTTP Range header, please visit

To retrieve links for asset original or conversions

#Example to get a link for the original file with maximum expiry
curl -H "X-FileSpin-Api-Key:API_KEY" \{ASSET_ID}/get_link?key=original&expiry=MAX&accessId=IZJTAMBQGAYDAMBQGAYDAMBQGAYDANKT

#returns a link such as below:-

Use this API to retrieve links for Asset original content file and asset conversions.

You can use this API to get a content link that can be presented as a downloadable link in a web page or an app.



Where API_KEY should be replaced with your API Key

HTTP REQUEST (HTTP GET for single content file)


HTTP REQUEST (HTTP POST for multiple content files)

Retrieve lilnks for multiple Assets

curl -H "X-FileSpin-Api-Key:API_KEY" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '["{ASSET_ID}", "{ASSET_ID}"]' \{CONTENT_KEY}&expiry={SECONDS}&delivery={DELIVERY_MODE}&accessId={ACCESS_ID}


Pass the Asset IDs in the request body as a list.


Parameter Type Description
ASSET_ID string Asset ID, 32 character alphanumeric UUID
CONTENT_KEY string "original" or any pre-defined conversion name/key for images and video transcodes. See your Settings for image and video keys.
EXPIRY integer Seconds after which the link should expire. Defaults to 6000 (10 minutes). Use the special value MAX to set expiry to maximum possible (defined as 19 January 2038)
ACCESS_ID string Access Id that must be used to sign URLs. You can obtain your account's Access Id from the Authorization Settings page.
DELIVERY_MODE string optional parameter to get a link for use in display or download. Values can be display or download. Defaults to download which gets a link that when clicked will download the file.


Response for a single asset GET request

HTTP Status code and JSON response like the one shown in the code sample to the right.

  "ASSET_ID": "https://URL",

Response JSON with links for multiple assets POST request

  "c5651f8783f64d09985f0dd38359d846": "",
  "aa2e7cce8a1e479daf5eb94cc413e8cb": ""
#HTTP POST - Get fist page of results
curl -H "X-FileSpin-Api-Key:API_KEY" \
     -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
     -d  '{ "keyword": "test*", "content_type": "image*", \
"upload_time_range": {"start": "2013-01-01T10:25:11Z","end": "2013-02-01T10:25:11Z"}, \
"file_size_range": {"start": 10240, "end": 402600}, "limit_per_page": 30 }' \
#HTTP GET - Get additional search result pages
curl -H "X-FileSpin-Api-Key:API_KEY" \{SEARCH_RESULT_ID}/{PAGE_NO}

Search API provides a powerful way to find files based on file name, mime type, size and other Asset properties. Search API has two invocation methods:



Where API_KEY should be replaced with your API Key

HTTP POST - Get first page with results

Run search and get first results page



All parameters are optional. A complete JSON payload for search request below:-

  "keyword": "sample",
  "file_name": "test*",
  "content_type": "image* OR video* OR audio*",
  "creator_id": 100,
  "upload_time_range": {
    "start": "2013-01-01T10:25:11Z",
    "end": "2013-02-01T10:25:11Z"
  "file_size_range": {
    "start": 10240,
    "end": 402600
  "sort_by": [
  "limit_per_page": 30
Key Type Description
keyword string (optional) Search for keywords (includes keywords added to reserved Asset metadata field filespin_search_txt or custom schema fields with keyword_searchable set to true. Use OR to find assets that match any of the given search words. john OR doe will find assets that contain john or doe in keywords. Use AND to find assets that contain both john and doe in keywords.OR and AND conditions cannot be used together in a search. keyword cannot contain more than 40 words
file_name string (optional) File name, * wildcard character is allowed in the suffix. To find multiple types in search supply value separated by OR, like myfile1* OR myfile2*. Note that . is a reserved search character and cannot be used in file name search
content_type string (optional) File content type type. * wildcard is allowed. To find multiple types in search supply value separated by OR, like image* OR video*
creator_id integer (optional) Search only the files created by this user. Note that the user calling the API must belong to the same user group as the user id passed
upload_time_range JSON (optional) like {"start": TIME, "end": TIME } where TIME is an ISO 8601 datetime string, such as "2013-01-20T15:30:25Z". Range is inclusive, times will be considered as UTC times
file_size_range JSON (optional) like {"start": SIZE, "end": SIZE } where SIZE is in bytes ( 1 KiB = 1024 bytes, 1 MiB = 1048576 bytes), range is inclusive
limit_per_page integer (optional) Limit how many files are returned in a page. Can be from 1 to 30. Defaults to 30.
sort_by JSON (optional) List of key strings. Sort keys can be "file_name", "content_type", "upload_time_range" or "file_size_range". Append _ASC or _DESC to the key to sort by ascending or descending order. Example: ["upload_time_range_DESC", "file_size_range_ASC"] will sort by upload_time_range in descending order and within that by ascending file_size. Default sort is by descending order of upload_time_range. If sort_by keys are provided, it will override default sorting.
extended_result boolean (optional) Set this to true to return extended result which will contain the complete asset data for asset ids returned. Searches with this set to true will take longer to run
trashed boolean (optional) Set this to true to return files that have been deleted (but not purged). Deleted files will not be returned in normal searches. Admin role is required to retrieve deleted assets

HTTP GET - Get additional result pages

To get the result pages, use HTTP GET with the SEARCH_RESULT_ID and page required



Parameter Type Description
SEARCH_RESULT_ID string the SEARCH_RESULT_ID returned in the HTTP POST call
PAGE_NO integer index of result page requested, should be less than or equal to the total pages returned in the HTTP POST call

The HTTP GET response JSON is the same as for HTTP POST that provides one page of search result.


HTTP Status code and JSON response like the one shown in the code sample to the right.

//Response JSON with {Asset Data}
    "status": "OK",
    "search_result_id": "0a9761f2f9",
    "total_files": 1,
    "page": 1,
    "total_pages": 1,
    "result": ["116f6a2a266d45d58d067f7c39a2e4dd"],
    "extended_result": {
       "116f6a2a266d45d58d067f7c39a2e4dd": {Asset Data}

Asset Data is as specified in Asset Data Format - the JSON format used across all Asset API responses.

Key Value Description
status string "OK" if search was successful, "ERROR" otherwise
search_result_id string an alphanumeric value between 10 and 32 characters, valid 60 minutes from time of API call
total_files integer total number of files found for the search. Note that there may be more than one page of results if there are more than 100 files in result
page integer index of currently returned result page, always less than or equal to total_pages
total_pages integer total number of pages in the search result
result JSON List of file ids
extended_result JSON A dictionary containing the current data for each file id returned in result. Data for each file follows Asset Data Format JSON
#HTTP POST - Search for exact match for word "a+b"
#note the escaped double quotes around the search word
curl -H "X-FileSpin-Api-Key:API_KEY" \
     -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
     -d  '{ "keyword": "\"a+b\""}' \
#HTTP POST - Search for exact match for word "abc 123"
#note the escaped double quotes around the search word
curl -H "X-FileSpin-Api-Key:API_KEY" \
     -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
     -d  '{ "keyword": "\"abc 123\""}' \

Search for exact match

To search for exact match for a word, enclose the word in double quotes " and escape the doouble quotes as shown in the examples.

For example,

Search for words with special characters

+ - && | | ! ( ) { } [ ] ^ " ~ * ? : \ / are special characters in the search query. To search for a word that contains special characters you should enclose the word in double quotes.

For example,

Search using Custom Schema Fields

FileSpin supports searching on custom schema fields defined as searchable in Custom Asset Schema. You can provide search criteria for custom schema via a JSON as below:-

This search with below schema_criteria will return with all assets whose schema ID is 1 and which contain "john" in the "name" field.

  "schema_criteria": {
    "data_schema_id": 1,
    "fields": {
      "name": "john"
Key Value Description
data_schema_id JSON Asset Data Schema ID to search on. Mandatory if schema_criteria is given
fields (optional) JSON Field name and the search value
#Search and retrieve assets that contain word starting `john` anywhere in a custom field called `customerName`
curl -H "X-FileSpin-Api-Key:API_KEY" \
     -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
     -d  '{
            "schema_criteria": {
              "data_schema_id": 1,
              "fields": {
                "customerName": "john"
          }' \
#HTTP POST - Custom Schema search with wildcards
#Search and retrieve assets that contain word starting with `john` in a custom field called `customerName`
curl -H "X-FileSpin-Api-Key:API_KEY" \
     -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
     -d  '{
            "schema_criteria": {
              "data_schema_id": 1,
              "fields": {
                "customerName": "john*"
          }' \
#Search and retrieve assets that contain word `john` or `dan` in a custom field called `customerName`
curl -H "X-FileSpin-Api-Key:API_KEY" \
     -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
     -d  '{
            "schema_criteria": {
              "data_schema_id": 1,
              "fields": {
                "customerName": "john OR dan"
          }' \

Custom Schema search with AND, OR and wildcards

Custom Schema search supports AND, OR and wildcards with certain limitations.


Notes & tips on Search API

Asset Find Duplicates

Find asset duplicates

#get duplicates. returns default first page
curl -H "X-FileSpin-Api-Key:API_KEY" \{ASSET_ID}/content/original/duplicates

#get second page
curl -H "X-FileSpin-Api-Key:API_KEY" \{ASSET_ID}/content/original/duplicates/2

Retrieve duplicates of an asset original file by checking for the Asset file's MD5 checksum.





Where API_KEY should be replaced with your API Key


Parameter Type Description
ASSET_ID string Asset ID, 32 character alphanumeric UUID
PAGE_NO integer Optional. Page number to paginate results if result is too large. Defaults to 1 (first page).


Response JSON with duplicates

  "id": "99d819953914402babbdeb68337ea6a3",
  "name": "example.jpg",
  "size": 8836363,
  "content_type": "image/jpeg",
  "checksum": "5f5f26bd7c0f62c6e02e44c73d09734e",
  "total_files": 62,
  "total_pages": 3,
  "page": 3,
  "duplicates": [

HTTP Status code and JSON response like the one shown in the code sample to the right.

Key Value Description
id string File's unique ID, 32 character alphanumeric UUID
name string File name
size integer Size of file in bytes
checksum string MD5 checksum
content_type string MIME type
duplicates JSON List of file ids whose MD5 checksum is the same as the query file id
total_files integer Number of duplicate files found
total_pages integer Number of pages in result. Normally a page will contain 30 asset IDs.
page integer Current page of the result. Defaults to 1.

Asset Delete

API to delete an asset or it's conversions.

Delete an original asset or a conversion. Below deletes 480p-video conversion of a video asset.

curl -H "X-FileSpin-Api-Key:API_KEY" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"keys":  ["480p-video"]}' \{ASSET_ID}/delete



Where API_KEY should be replaced with your API Key

HTTP Request


Query parameters

Parameter Default Description
{ASSET_ID} string Asset ID, 32 character alphanumeric UUID

Request JSON Parameters

Request JSON payload

  "keys": ["480p-video", "720p-video"]
Key Value Description
keys JSON List of conversion keys. See below for Keys that you can specify
Asset/Key type keys list values
Image Built-in keys such as "deepzoom" and/or all the custom conversion keys setup in account settings
Video Built-in keys such as "480p-video", "480p-wm-video", "hls-video", "storyboard", etc
Original To delete the original asset, use the key “original”. Note this will delete and purge all conversions from storage
Addon Addon key defined by the addons deployed
All Conversions Use the special key * to delete all conversions


Standard HTTP Status code - 202 or 200

Webhook callback on delete completion

Once the delete request is completed, callback is issued to configured Webhook.

Please see Tools & Integration- > Webhooks section for file-deleted event callback to learn about the callback JSON structure.

Asset Undelete

Undelete an asset

curl -H "X-FileSpin-Api-Key:API_KEY" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"keys":  ["original"]}' \{ASSET_ID}/undelete

API to undelete an asset that has been deleted.



Where API_KEY should be replaced with your API Key

HTTP Request


Query parameters

Parameter Default Description
ASSET_ID string Asset ID, 32 character alphanumeric UUID

Request JSON Parameters

Key Value Description
keys JSON List of conversion keys. For undelete only "original" key is accepted.


Standard HTTP Status code - 202 or 200

Webhook callback on undelete completion

Once the undelete request is completed, callback is issued to configured Webhook.

Please see Tools & Integration- > Webhooks section for file-undeleted event callback to learn about the callback JSON structure.

Asset Purge

Purge deleted assets

curl -H "X-FileSpin-Api-Key:ASSET_KEY" \

This is a ADMIN-only API

API to completely purge all assets that are in Trash (i.e. in deleted state) across all users within a User Group.



Where API_KEY should be replaced with your API Key




Standard HTTP Status code - 202 or 200

Asset Access - Make Public

Make an asset or its conversion public

curl -H "X-FileSpin-Api-Key:API_KEY" \
     -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
     -d '{"keys": ["480p-wm-video"]}'\{ASSET_ID}/content/set_public_access

This API can be used to set public-read access to a file or its conversions in the Cloud Storage (such as S3).



Where API_KEY should be replaced with your API Key

HTTP Request



Parameter Default Description
ASSET_ID string Asset ID, 32 character alphanumeric UUID


Key Value Description
keys JSON List of conversion keys. See below for Possible Key values that you can specify.

Possible Key values

Type keys list values
All files Built-in key "original" the asset original file
Image files Built-in keys: "deepzoom" and/or all the custom conversion keys setup in account settings
Video files Built-in keys: "360p-video", "360p-wm-video", "480p-video", "480p-wm-video", "720p-video", "720p-wm-video", "1080p-video", "1080p-wm-video" and/or "hls-video" (note that *-wm-video keys are for watermarked videos)


Standard HTTP Status code - 202 or 200

Asset Access - Remove Public Access

Remove public access permission from an asset or its conversion

curl -H "X-FileSpin-Api-Key:API_KEY" \
     -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
     -d '{"keys": ["480p-wm-video"]}'\{ASSET_ID}/content/remove_public_access

This API can be used to remove public-read access permission from a file or its conversions in the Cloud Storage (such as S3).



Where API_KEY should be replaced with your API Key

HTTP Request



Parameter Default Description
ASSET_ID string Asset ID, 32 character alphanumeric UUID


Key Value Description
keys JSON List of conversion keys. See below for Possible Key values that you can specify.

Possible Key values

Type keys list values
All files Built-in key "original" the asset original file
Image files Built-in keys: "deepzoom" and/or all the custom conversion keys setup in account settings
Video files Built-in keys: "360p-video", "360p-wm-video", "480p-video", "480p-wm-video", "720p-video", "720p-wm-video", "1080p-video", "1080p-wm-video" and/or "hls-video" (note that *-wm-video keys are for watermarked videos)


Standard HTTP Status code - 202 or 200

Asset Processing API

Assets can be processed for image transformations, video transcodes and other custom workflows using /process API.

Image Processing API

Process an image asset for deepzoom

curl -H "X-FileSpin-Api-Key:API_KEY" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"keys":  ["deepzoom"]}' \{ASSET_ID}/process

The /process API is useful in the following scenarios:-



Where API_KEY should be replaced with your API Key




Parameter Description
ASSET_ID Asset ID, 32 character alphanumeric UUID


Unknown keys and keys that do not apply to the file type will be ignored.

Key Value Description
keys JSON List of conversion keys such as deepzoom and/or all the custom conversion keys setup in account settings. Below built-in processing keys can also be used.

Built-in Image processing keys

Re-generate on-demand image

curl -H "X-FileSpin-Api-Key:API_KEY" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"keys":  ["smart_imaging"]}' \{ASSET_ID}/process
Key Description
smart_imaging used for on-demand images and image annotation re-processing


Standard HTTP Status code - 202 or 200

Also, once processing completes, Asset Data JSON will contain process state for smart_imaging as below:

"addons_info": {
      "available": true

Video Transcoding API

Process a 720p-video

curl -H "X-FileSpin-Api-Key:API_KEY" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"keys":  ["720p-video"]}' \{ASSET_ID}/process

This API uses the same endpoint as image conversion API. It is useful in the following scenarios:-

  1. Generate standard video transcodes that do not exist for a video file
  2. Re-apply a new watermark to existing video transcodes



Where API_KEY should be replaced with your API Key




Parameter Description
ASSET_ID Asset ID, 32 character alphanumeric UUID


Key Value Description
keys JSON List of built-in transcode keys and special processing keys

Built-in Video processing keys

Special video processing keys

Key Description
clip_preview generate a preview clip of the video using user's settings profile
storyboard generate a set of storyboard images for the video using user's video settings profile

Note that unknown keys and keys that do not apply to the file type will be ignored.


Standard HTTP Status code - 202 or 200 and JSON response body as below:-

    "status": "QUEUED",
    "message": "Job queued",
    "job_id": 42
Key Value Description
status string Status of the process. Can be QUEUED or ERROR
message string Message describing the status
job_id integer Job ID of the process. Can be used to query the status of job using Job Status API

Video Custom Transcoding API

You can make use of /clip/process API to create custom transcodes to :-

The transcode output will be added as a conversion to the asset and stored in Video transcodes bucket specified in account settings. Webhook callback will be issued once output is created.

Using your API Key send a request as below:-


Example transcode requests

#Create a clip with 480p preset from a video starting from 10 seconds and length of 5 seconds.
#Name the clip as "sample.mp4"
#Make access public in Storage to allow playback using /transcodes API without signed URL

curl -X "POST" "{ASSET_ID}/clip/process" \
     -H "X-FileSpin-Api-Key: 0de9d8e207974dc7b29c76372890e4ca" \
     -H "Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8" \
     -d $'{
       "name": "sample",
       "preset": "480p-video",
       "start": 10,
       "length": 5,
       "public": true,

#Transcode the entire video using 720p preset and add a custom watermark.
#Name the clip as "720p-custom-wm-video.mp4"

curl -X "POST" "{ASSET_ID}/clip/process" \
     -H "X-FileSpin-Api-Key: 0de9d8e207974dc7b29c76372890e4ca" \
     -H "Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8" \
     -d $'{
             "name": "720p-custom-wm-video",
             "preset": "720p-video",
             "watermark": {
                 "url": "",
                 "placement": "top-right",
                 "scale": 0.2

HTTP POST{ASSET_ID}/clip/process


Key Value Description
ASSET_ID string Asset ID of the video file


Key Value Description
name string Conversion name. The transcode output will be named as name.mp4, like clip_sample.mp4
preset string Any of the standard video transcode keys “360p-video”, “360p-wm-video”, “480p-video”, “480p-wm-video”, “720p-video”, “720p-wm-video”, “1080p-video”, “1080p-wm-video”
start (optional) integer or timecode string Defaults to 0. Seconds into the video for clip start. Can also given as timecode of the format HH:MM:SS.fff where fff is the frame
length (optional) integer Defaults to entire video. Length of clip in seconds
public (optional) boolean Defaults to false. Make the output file public in Storage to allow playback using /transcodes API without signed URL
aspect (optional) string Defaults to "pad". Determines aspect and padding. Can be "pad" - to add padding, "preserve" - preserves original aspect ratio, padding color will be ignored, "scale" - scales the output, "crop" - crops the output to match requested dimensions.
padding (optional) string Defaults to "000000" - black. Padding color. Applies only when aspect is "pad". Value is a six character colorcode such as "000000" - black, "ffffff" - white, etc.
upscale (optional) boolean Defaults to false. Upscale the output if original is of lower size than requested output size.
watermark (optional) object Defaults to null. Add a watermark to the output. See below for details.
watermark->url (required) string URL of the watermark image. Can be a public URL or an on-demand image URL of an asset in your account
watermark->placement (optional) string Defaults to account watermark setting. Position of the watermark. Can be "top-left", "top-right", "bottom-left", "bottom-right" or "center"
watermark->scale (optional)float Defaults to account watermark setting. Scale of the watermark. Can range from 0 to 1. 0.1 will scale the watermark to 10% of the output video size and place it at the specified placement, 0.5 will scale it to 50% of output video size.

Asset Data - Example custom conversion added to Asset

 "480p-custom-wm-video": {
      "key": "/transcodes/12bc22852739447c956b97580977fdf4/480p-custom-wm-video.mp4",
      "bucket": "my-bucket",
      "width": 640,
      "height": 480,
      "public": true,
      "watermarked": true,
      "size": 346344,
      "duration": 5



Standard HTTP Status code - 202 or 200 and JSON response body as below:-

    "status": "QUEUED",
    "message": "Job queued",
    "job_id": 42
Key Value Description
status string Status of the process. Can be QUEUED or ERROR
message string Message describing the status
job_id integer Job ID of the process. Can be used to query the status of job using Job Status API

Batch Processing API

Process one or more assets in a single API call for creating or re-creating image conversions, video transcodes and addon processing.

# Example: use Asset IDs to re-process assets for specified conversions, transcodes and addons

curl -H "X-FileSpin-Api-Key:API_KEY" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
        "ids": [
       "conversions": ["smart_imaging"],
       "transcodes": ["480p-video"],
       "addons": ["storyboard"]
    }' \

The asset batch processing API is useful in the following scenarios:-



Where API_KEY should be replaced with your API Key





Parameter Description
ids Asset Ids of assets that should be re-processed
conversions (optional) List of conversion keys such as deepzoom. See Image Processing API for keys
transcodes (optional) List of transcode keys such as 480p-video. See Video Transcoding API for keys
addons (optional) List of addon keys such as storyboard. Addon must be available and enabled in the caller's account. See specific addon in Addons section for keys


Standard HTTP Status codes

Asset Schema API

Asset Schema provides the ability to store custom metadata (provided as JSON) that conform to a standard schema. Asset Schema is defined using JSON Schema 2020-12 with a simple FileSpin envelope as below. FileSpin extends JSON Schema to support additional properties using filespin_properties for rendering in frontend UI.

Asset Schema JSON

Build-in default Asset Schema

When a new Asset is created, it is assigned a default Asset Schema with a single field filespin_search_txt which is a searchable text field. This field is a build-in field that cannot be altered. It can be used to store keywords for searching.

  "id": 0,
  "name": { "en": "FileSpin Asset Schema" },
  "status": "ACTIVE",
  "schema": {
    "$id": "",
    "$schema": "",
    "type": "object",
    "title": "Default Asset Metadata",
    "required": [],
    "properties": {
      "filespin_search_txt": {
        "type": "string",
        "description": "Searchable keywords",
        "minLength": 0,
        "maxLength": 200,
        "filespin_properties": {
          "title": { "en": "Searchable keywords" },
          "hint": { "en": "Keywords associated with this asset for seaching" },
          "placeholder": { "en": "Enter keywords separated by a space" },
          "searchable": true,
          "keyword_searchable": true,
          "ui": {
            "order": 1,
            "readonly": false,
            "disabled": false,
            "hidden": false

Example Schema with a custom field

This example shows a custom schema with a single field a_name of type string and a field a_date of type string with format set to date according to JSON Schema 2020-12 specification

  "name": { "en": "Sample Asset Schema" },
  "status": "ACTIVE",
  "schema": {
    "$id": "",
    "$schema": "",
    "type": "object",
    "title": "Default Asset Metadata",
    "required": ["a_date"],
    "properties": {
      "a_name": {
        "type": "string",
        "description": "A name",
        "minLength": 0,
        "maxLength": 200,
        "filespin_properties": {
          "title": { "en": "A name" },
          "hint": { "en": "A name" },
          "placeholder": { "en": "A name" },
          "searchable": true,
          "keyword_searchable": true,
          "ui": {
            "order": 1,
            "readonly": false,
            "disabled": false,
            "hidden": false
      "a_date": {
        "type": "string",
        "description": "A date",
        "minLength": 0,
        "maxLength": 24,
        "format": "date",
        "filespin_properties": {
          "title": { "en": "Important date" },
          "hint": { "en": "Important date" },
          "placeholder": { "en": "Important date" },
          "searchable": true,
          "ui": {
            "order": 1,
            "readonly": false,
            "disabled": false,
            "hidden": false

Built-in support for string sub-types

JSON Schema string type has built-in support for these optional format sub-types: "date", "email".

For a more details, please consult with your FileSpin technical contact who can help setup appropriate schema for your asset data.

FileSpin Asset Schema properties

filespin_properties within $schema->properties contains FileSpin specific properties per field defined as below:-

Key Type Description
title JSON Displayable title in multiple languages. Language keys are ISO 639-1 codes (two-letter codes). en is mandatory. Example: {"en": "My Custom Field"}
hint JSON Help text for the field in multiple languages. Language keys are ISO 639-1 codes (two-letter codes). en is mandatory. Example: {"en": "Your email id"}
placeholder JSON Placeholder text in multiple languages. Language keys are ISO 639-1 codes (two-letter codes). en is mandatory. Example: {"en": "Enter your email id here"}
searchable boolean Indicates if this field is searchable using schema_criteria search parameter
keyword_searchable boolean Indicates if this field is searchable using keyword search parameter
ui JSON A dictionary of key-value pairs to support rendering of the field in frontend UI. Supported keys: order, readonly, disabled, hidden. See below UI rendering.

UI rendering

{"order": 1, "readonly": false, "disabled": false, "hidden": false }

where order is for display order of the field, readonly is to make the field read-only, disabled is non-selectable read-only, hidden is to render as hidden field

Asset Schema - Get

Retrieve an Asset Schema definition.

# Retrieve Asset Schema Definition using FileSpin Schema ID.
curl -H "X-FileSpin-Api-Key:API_KEY" \





Where API_KEY should be replaced with your API Key


Parameter Type Description
SCHEMA_ID integer (optional) Asset Schema id. Default Asset Schema id is 0 (built-in schema).

HTTP Response

HTTP Status code and JSON response with Asset Schema definition. See Asset Schema JSON Format.

Asset Schema - Get All

# Retrieve all Asset Schema Definitions
curl -H "X-FileSpin-Api-Key:ASSET_KEY" \

Retrieve all Asset Schema definitions available.





Where API_KEY should be replaced with your API Key


HTTP Status code and JSON response like the one shown in the code sample to the right.


  "status": "OK",
  "data": [ {Asset Schema JSON} ]

Parameter Type Description
status string "OK" or "ERROR"
data JSON List of {Asset Schema JSON} definitions as specified in Asset Schema JSON

Asset Schema - Create

Create a new Asset Schema definition

curl -X "POST" -H "X-FileSpin-Api-Key:API_KEY" \
     -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
     -d '{ASSET_SCHEMA_JSON}' \

Create a new Asset Schema definition.





Where API_KEY should be replaced with your API Key


Pass {ASSET_SCHEMA_JSON} in request body. See Asset Schema JSON for the JSON format. Note that when creating Asset Schema id should not be provided.


Response JSON

  "id": 27

HTTP Status code and JSON response like the one shown in the code sample to the right.

Parameter Type Description
id integer ID of new Asset Schema created.

Asset Schema - Update

Update an existing Asset Schema definition.

Update an existing Asset Schema Definition using.

curl -H "X-FileSpin-Api-Key:API_KEY" \
     -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
     -d '{ASSET_SCHEMA_JSON}' \





Where API_KEY should be replaced with your API Key


Include id of Asset Schema to be updated in {ASSET_SCHEMA_JSON} request payload as below:-

  "id": 26,
  "name": {
    "en": "My Asset Schema"
  "status": "ACTIVE",
  "schema": {
    "$id": "",
    "$schema": "",
    "type": "object",
    "title": "My Asset Metadata",
    "required": [],
    "properties": {
      "email": {
        "title": "An Email",
        "type": "string",
        "format": "email",
        "minLength": 5,
        "maxLength": 200,
        "filespin_properties": {
          "title": {
            "en": "an email"
          "hint": {
            "en": "an email"
          "placeholder": {
            "en": "an email"
          "searchable": true,
          "keyword_searchable": false,
          "ui": {
            "order": 4,
            "readonly": false,
            "disabled": false,
            "hidden": false

See Asset Schema JSON for the JSON format.


Response JSON

  "id": 27

HTTP Status code and JSON response like the one shown in the code sample to the right.

Parameter Type Description
id integer ID of new Asset Schema created.

Asset Collection API

Asset Collections provide a robust method for managing assets and collaborating with other users. Collections can be private to a user or can be shared within a user group.

Asset Collection JSON Format

Asset Collection has the below JSON structure.

  "id": 21,
  "user_id": 45,
  "name": "My Collection",
  "description": "An example description",
  "last_update": "2022-01-24T09:11:05Z",
  "assets": ["3b5123160c474720931292c33eb46c52"],
  "group_access": false,
  "user_name": "John Doe",
  "user_email": "",
  "extended_result": {}
Parameter Type Description
id integer Collection ID
name string Collection name
description string Collection description
last_update date When the collection was updated last, ISO 8601 datetime value
assets JSON List of asset IDs
group_access boolean true if assets can be accessed by other users in the user group, false otherwise
user_id integer Collection creator ID
user_name string Collection creator name
user_email email Collection creator email
extended_result JSON Like {"ASSET_ID": ASSET_JSON} } where ASSET_JSON is in the standard Asset JSON format

Asset Collection - Get

Retrieve a Collection. When no Collection ID is passed, the API returns the Default Basket Collection.

get basket (Default collection)

curl -H "X-FileSpin-Api-Key:API_KEY" \

get a collection by id

curl -H "X-FileSpin-Api-Key:API_KEY" \



If the optional URL parameter load_assets=y, the response will contain the entire Asset Data for each asset under extended_result key.



Where API_KEY should be replaced with your API Key


Respone JSON as shown.

API response JSON

  "status": "OK",
  "data": {
    "id": 21,
    "user_id": 45,
    "name": "SELECTED_ASSETS",
    "description": "",
    "last_update": "2022-01-24T09:11:05Z",
    "assets": ["3b5123160c474720931292c33eb46c52"],
    "group_access": false,
    "user_name": "John Doe",
    "user_email": "",
    "extended_result": {}
Parameter Type Description
status string "OK" or "ERROR"
data JSON Collection in Asset Collection JSON format

Asset Collection - Get All

Retrieve Collections upto a maximum of 30. For retrieving additional collections, use the Collection Search API with pagination.

# get all collections
curl -H "X-FileSpin-Api-Key:API_KEY" \





Where API_KEY should be replaced with your API Key


Collections API response JSON looks like below:-

  "status": "OK",
  "data": {
    "total_collections": 1,
    "collections": [
Parameter Type Description
status string "OK" or "ERROR"
data->total_collections integer total number of collections, includes private and group collections user has access to
data->collections JSON List of Collections in Asset Collection JSON format

Search and retrieve Collections with pagination. Use the total_collections and limit to calculate offset to paginate.

Search asset collections

curl -X "POST" -H "X-FileSpin-Api-Key:API_KEY" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
        "keyword": "test",
        "private_only": false,
        "last_update_range": {"start": "2022-03-18T01:01:01Z", "end": "2022-04-24T01:01:01Z"},
        "sort_by": ["group_access ASC", "name ASC", "last_update DESC"],
        "offset": 0,
        "limit": 30
}' \





Where API_KEY should be replaced with your API Key


The request payload JSON keys are as below.

Parameter Type Description
keyword (optional) string keyword to search with. Keyword will match any word in Collection name. Defaults to empty string (equivalent to * wildcard)
private_only (optional) boolean true if only private collections should be returned. Defaults to false
last_update_range (optional) JSON Like {"start": "2022-03-18T01:01:01Z", "end": "2022-04-24T01:01:01Z"} where the dates are ISO 8601 datetime format values
sort_by (optional) JSON Example: ["group_access ASC", "name ASC", "last_update DESC"] where group_access,name, last_update are the only allowed sort fields. ASCis for ascending natural sort order,DESC is for descending natural sort order. To sort by group_access, then name and then by last_update, list them in sequence as in the example.
offset (optional) integer offset for paging. Defaults to 0
limit (optional) integer Page limit. Defaults to 30. Maximum is 30.


Same as /api/v1/collections response above.

Asset Collection - Create

Create new Asset Collection

curl -X "POST" -H "X-FileSpin-Api-Key:API_KEY" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{  "name": "Test Collection",
   "public": false,
   "assets": ["b3ad7854e1ad4ce8a8c83272447f980b","caf2b5f2e80a40729e32489ee65ef0d8"]





Where API_KEY should be replaced with your API Key


Parameter Type Description
name string Collection name. Defaults Collection {timestamp}
assets JSON List of asset ids. Defaults to empty list
description (optional) string Collection description. Defaults to empty string
group_access (optional) boolean true or false. Defaults to false


Collection in Asset Collection JSON format

Asset Collection - Duplicate

Duplicate an Asset Collection

Duplicate an asset collection

curl -X "POST" -H "X-FileSpin-Api-Key:API_KEY" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
"source_id": 1,
"name": "My Collection",
"description": "a description",
"group_access": false





Where API_KEY should be replaced with your API Key


Parameter Type Description
source_id number Source Collection id to duplicate
name (optional) string Collection name. Defaults to Source Collection Name formatted as Copy of {Source Collection Name} @ {timestamp}
description (optional) string Collection description. Defaults to source collection description
group_access (optional) boolean true or false. Defaults to false


Collection in Asset Collection JSON format.

Asset Collection - Update

Update existing Asset Collection for name, assets and privacy.

update a collection by id (id provided in URL)

# update a collection by id (id provided in URL)
curl -X "PATCH" -H "X-FileSpin-Api-Key:API_KEY" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
"name": "Test Collection - API update",
"description": "example description",
 "additions": ["26f6bc383a2c499c9b6eb4015755c0e1","1f2a84d6bf5c47dfa39c47b44032a86d","19d8a0d7efbe40f3b93485371df39697"],
"deletions": ["1f2a84d6bf5c47dfa39c47b44032a86d"],
"group_access": false





Where API_KEY should be replaced with your API Key


Parameter Type Description
id number Collection id
name (optional) string Collection name
description (optional) string Collection description
group_access (optional) boolean true or false. Defaults to false
additions (optional) JSON List of asset ids to add to collection
deletions (optional) JSON List of asset ids to remove from collection



The updated collection is returned.

Note that extended_result will not be returned in the response.

Asset Collection - Replace assets

Replace all existing Assets in a Collection

replace collection assets with new asset list

curl -X "PUT" \
 -H "X-FileSpin-Api-Key:API_KEY" -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
 -d '{
 "assets": ["b3ad7854e1ad4ce8a8c83272447f980b"]





Where API_KEY should be replaced with your API Key


Parameter Type Description
id number Collection id
assets JSON List of Collection id to be updated


Standard HTTP Codes

Asset Collection - Clear assets

Clear all Assets from a Collection by putting an empty list of assets.

remove collection assets

curl -X "PUT"
 -H "X-FileSpin-Api-Key:API_KEY" \
 -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{
 "assets": []





Where API_KEY should be replaced with your API Key


Parameter Type Description
id number Collection id
assets JSON List of Collection id to be updated


Standard HTTP Codes

Asset Collection - Delete

Delete a Collection

delete an asset collection

curl -X "DELETE"
 -H "X-FileSpin-Api-Key:API_KEY" \





Where API_KEY should be replaced with your API Key


Standard HTTP Codes

Asset Collection - Download

Download assets in a Collection as a zip file or retrieve a downloadable URL.

get a link to downloadable zip file

curl -X "GET" \
 -H "X-FileSpin-Api-Key:API_KEY" \

start a zip file download immediately

curl -X "GET" \
 -H "X-FileSpin-Api-Key:API_KEY" \



Set optional URL parameter as_url=y to retrieve a URL for a downloadable zip file instead of immediate download. as_url defaults to n.



Where API_KEY should be replaced with your API Key


If as_url parameter is set to y, the response body contains the download URL.

If as_url parameter is not set to, download will start immediately. Download will be a zip file with Content-Disposition header set to attachment; filename="".

User API

APIs to manage users and user settings.

Admin User - Activation

Newly signed-up Admin users will receive an activation email that takes them through the activation process.

Once an admin user is signed-up, they can login to create users more users within their user group. An Admin user can also create users using User API.

User JSON Format

All User API responses use the following User JSON format.

        "id": "USER_ID",
        "access_id": "ACCESS_ID",
        "apikey": "API_KEY",
        "email": "",
        "first_name": "FIRST NAME",
        "last_name": "LAST NAME",
        "enabled": true,
        "invite_status": "REGISTERED",
        "role_id": "ROLE_ID",
        "group_id": "GROUP_ID",
        "locale": "en_US",
        "permissions": [
        "role_name": "MANAGER",
        "uploadKey": "UPLOADKEY",
        "group_asset_access": true,
        "addons": ["STORYBOARD", "AUDIO_SUBTITLES"]
Key Value Description
id number User id
access_id string Access id, used for signing requests for CDN APIs
apikey string API Key. Used for making API request. Do not share
email string User email. Must be a valid and accessible email.
apikey string API Key. Used for making API requests.
first_name string First name of user
last_name string Last name of user
enabled boolean true is user is enabled. false is disabled
invite_status string REQUESTED = Login not activated yet. REGISTERED = activated and ready for use.
role_id number Role id (see Users & Roles section for details)
group_id string User group ID
locale string Default User locale
permissions List List of Permissions. Permissions are string tokens that define what actions a user is allowed to perform. Permissions are determined by User Role (see Users & Roles section for details)
role_name string Role name (built-in)
uploadKey string Upload Key for use in FileSpin Picker for file uploads. Note that a USER role will not be allowed to upload files even if they have a valid Upload Key.
group_asset_access boolean If true allows this user access to assets created by all users within the user group. If false, they can only see their own assets
addons List Addons available for the User. Note that even if an addon is available, they may not have permission to use it or may not have it enabled.

User - Get

A user can retrieve their own data using this API or User Administrator can retrieve a user within their user group.



Where API_KEY should be replaced with your API Key




As defined in User JSON Format section above.

User - Get All

User Administrator can retrieve all users within their user group. A maximum of 30 users can be retrieved in one request. Use the total_users and offset parameter to retrieve more users.



Where API_KEY should be replaced with your API Key


Get upto 30 users.


Get one user by passing the user_id.



Retrieve more users usingoffset parameter. Can also be used with filtering criteria such as email, first_name, etc.



  "email": "",
  "first_name": "FIRST NAME",
  "last_name": "LAST NAME",
  "enabled_only": false,
  "offset": 0
Parameter Type Description
email string Wildcards are not allowed, however partial email string such as user@example will be matched.
first_name string Wildcards are not allowed, partial string will be matched
last_name string Wildcards are not allowed, partial string will be matched
enabled_only boolean set true to only retrieve enabled users
offset number defaults to 0. The record number to start from when retrieving users. Calculate this using total_users and the count of actual users retrieved in the request


    "status": "OK",
    "total_users": 60,
    "count": 30,
    "users": [
Key Value Description
status string "OK" if request was successfully received, "ERROR" if request cannot be processed
total_users number total users in the user group
count number users in the response
users List List of User JSON

User - Create

User Administrator can create a user.



Where API_KEY should be replaced with your API Key




  "email": "",
  "first_name": "FIRST NAME",
  "last_name": "LAST NAME",
  "password": "PASSWORD",
  "role_id": 2,
  "template_user_id": 1,
  "enabled": true,
  "group_asset_access": true,
  "notification_email": true
Parameter Type Description
email string Wildcards are not allowed, however partial email string such as user@example will be matched.
first_name string Wildcards are not allowed, partial string will be matched
last_name string Wildcards are not allowed, partial string will be matched
password string Set new user's password. Must be 8 to 32 chars long
role_id number use a pre-defined role id, see above.
template_user_id number (optional) the user_id whose settings should be copied for the new user. Defaults to caller's user id
enabled boolean (optional) Set status of the new user. If set to false, user will be created but will remain disabled until the admin enables them. Defaults to true
group_asset_access boolean (optional) If set to true, user have access to all assets created by users in the user group. Defaults to false
notification_email boolean (optional) Set to true to send an email to user informing of their new account. The email will include a temporary login password which they'll be asked to change. Defaults to false

User - Update

User can update their own data. User Administrator can update a user within the user group.



Where API_KEY should be replaced with your API Key






All request parameters are optional for PATCH/POST request

  "email": "",
  "first_name": "FIRST NAME",
  "last_name": "LAST NAME",
  "role_id": 2,
  "old_password": "OLDPASSWORD",
  "new_password": "NEWPASSWORD"
Parameter Type Description
email string Email id. Should be a vaid email.
first_name string First name
last_name string Last name
role_id number Only User Administrator can update this. For Role Ids see Users & Roles section
old_password string Must be provided if caller is self-updating their own password
new_password string Must be provided if caller is self-updating their own password. Must be atleast 7 characters

User Settings - Get





Where API_KEY should be replaced with your API Key


  "status": "OK",
  "data": {
    "watermark": {
      "watermarkFile": "/api/v1/user/watermark/42",
      "watermarkPlacement": "top-left",
      "watermarkScale": 0.1
    "storage": {
      "originals_root": "MY_BUCKET-orig",
      "originals_root_folder": "my/files",
      "derivatives_root": "MY_BUCKET-deriv",
      "derivatives_root_folder": "my/files",
      "transcodes_root": "MY_BUCKET-trans",
      "transcodes_root_folder": "my/files",
      "originals_root_ok": true,
      "derivatives_root_ok": true,
      "transcodes_root_ok": true,
      "originals_root_geo": "eu-west-1",
      "derivatives_root_geo": "eu-west-1",
      "transcodes_root_geo": "eu-west-1"
    "auth": {
      "upload_key": "a8cf2507c0334c04ac0b41ecf251ca11",
      "api_key": "2cbb94afed5a491ea048f628b13ec2e3",
      "dropbox_app_key": "",
      "dropbox_app_secret": "",
      "authorized_domains": ","
    "webhook": {
      "web_urls": "",
      "callback_events": {
        "file-saved": false,
        "file-processed": true,
        "file-data-updated": false,
        "file-deleted": true,
        "file-undeleted": true,
        "addon-processed": true
    "image": {
      "conversions": [
          "key": "500x500WEB",
          "value": {
            "format": "jpg",
            "watermark": false,
            "enabled": true,
            "public": false,
            "height": 500,
            "width": 500,
            "optimize": true,
            "dpi": 72
          "key": "deepzoom",
          "value": {
            "format": "jpg",
            "public": true,
            "watermark": false,
            "enabled": true,
            "height": null,
            "width": null,
            "optimize": true,
            "dpi": 72
      "on_demand_image_private": false
    "video": {
      "video_transcode_test_mode": false,

      "transcodes": {
        "360p-video": {
          "enabled": false,
          "aspect": "pad",
          "upscale": true,
          "public": false,
          "padding": "ff0000",
          "width": 640,
          "height": 360,
          "watermark": false
        "360p-wm-video": {
          "enabled": false,
          "aspect": "pad",
          "upscale": true,
          "public": true,
          "padding": "000000",
          "width": 640,
          "height": 360,
          "watermark": true
        "480p-video": {
          "enabled": true,
          "aspect": "pad",
          "upscale": true,
          "public": false,
          "padding": "000000",
          "width": 854,
          "height": 480,
          "watermark": false
        "480p-wm-video": {
          "enabled": true,
          "aspect": "pad",
          "upscale": true,
          "public": true,
          "padding": "000000",
          "width": 854,
          "height": 480,
          "watermark": true
        "720p-video": {
          "enabled": true,
          "aspect": "pad",
          "upscale": true,
          "public": false,
          "padding": "000000",
          "width": 1280,
          "height": 720,
          "watermark": false
        "720p-wm-video": {
          "enabled": false,
          "aspect": "pad",
          "upscale": true,
          "public": true,
          "padding": "000000",
          "width": 1280,
          "height": 720,
          "watermark": true
        "1080p-video": {
          "enabled": false,
          "aspect": "pad",
          "upscale": true,
          "public": false,
          "padding": "000000",
          "width": 1920,
          "height": 1080,
          "watermark": false
        "1080p-wm-video": {
          "enabled": false,
          "aspect": "pad",
          "upscale": true,
          "public": true,
          "padding": "000000",
          "width": 1920,
          "height": 1080,
          "watermark": true
        "hls-video": {
          "enabled": false,
          "aspect": "pad",
          "upscale": true,
          "public": true,
          "padding": "000000",
          "watermark": false,
          "width": 1920,
          "height": 1080
      "preview": {
        "video_preview_name": "preview",
        "video_preview_public": true,
        "video_preview_start": 0,
        "video_preview_length": 5,
        "video_preview_preset": "480p-wm-video",
        "video_preview_enabled": true,
        "video_preview_aspect": "pad",
        "video_preview_padding": "ff0000",
        "video_preview_upscale": true
      "thumbnails": {
        "video_default": {
          "width": 640,
          "height": 480
        "storyboard": {
          "enabled": true,
          "mode": "number",
          "mode_value": 5,
          "width": 480,
          "height": 360,
          "public": true,
          "aspect": "pad",
          "padding": "ff0000",
          "upscale": true
    "database": {
      "db_url": "mysql://",
      "db_export_events": {
        "file-saved": true,
        "file-processed": true,
        "file-data-updated": true,
        "file-deleted": true,
        "file-undeleted": true,
        "addon-processed": false
    "cdn": {
      "image_cdn": "",
      "video_cdn": ""
    "addons": {
      "COLOR_INFO": {
        "title": "Dominant Colors for Images",
        "description": "Dominant Colors for Images",
        "added": true,
        "enabled": true
      "CLIP_PATH": {
        "title": "JPG to PNG using Clipping path",
        "description": "JPG to PNG using Clipping path",
        "added": true,
        "enabled": true
        "title": "ML-based Image auto-tagging",
        "description": "ML-based Image auto-tagging",
        "added": true,
        "enabled": true
      "STORYBOARD": {
        "title": "Video Storyboard",
        "description": "Video Storyboard",
        "added": true,
        "enabled": true
        "title": "Multilingual Audio Subtitles",
        "description": "Multilingual Audio Subtitles",
        "added": false,
        "enabled": false

User Settings - Update

Update user settings by sending a PATCH HTTP request with partial settings to update. The JSON payload follows the same structure as GET request response. Only keys below are valid.

storage, auth, webhook, database, image, video,addons

Request payload format for each key above is in the following sections.





Where API_KEY should be replaced with your API Key


Standard HTTP error codes.

Storage update

Update storage by sending below payload. All keys are mandatory.

  "key": "storage",
  "value": {
    "originals_root": "MY-S3-BUCKET",
    "originals_root_folder": "folder/path",
    "derivatives_root": "MY-S3-BUCKET",
    "derivatives_root_folder": "folder/path",
    "transcodes_root": "MY-S3-BUCKET",
    "transcodes_root_folder": "folder/path"

Auth update

Update auth by sending below payload. All keys are mandatory.

"key": "auth",
"value": {
  "upload_key": "c2c94d0eddc3446184f3dd3f7a6ad6cf",
  "authorized_domains": ",",
   "dropbox_app_key": "dropbox_app_key",
   "dropbox_app_secret": "dropbox_app_secret",
   "api_key": "c2f93d0eddc3446184f3dd3f7a6ad6fc"

Webhook update

Update webhook by sending below payload. All keys are mandatory.

  "key": "webhook",
  "value": {
    "web_urls": ",",
    "callback_events": {
      "file-saved": true,
      "file-processed": true,
      "file-data-updated": true,
      "file-deleted": true,
      "file-undeleted": true,
      "addon-processed": false

Database update

Update database by sending below payload. All keys are mandatory.

  "key": "database",
  "value": {
    "db_url": "mysql://USER:PASSWORD@DB_HOST/DATABASE"

Image update

Update image by sending below payload. All keys are mandatory.

  "key": "image",
  "value": {
    "is_on_demand_private": false,
    "conversions": [
        "key": "500x500WEB",
        "value": {
          "format": "jpg",
          "watermark": false,
          "enabled": false,
          "public": false,
          "height": 500,
          "width": 500,
          "dpi": 72
        "key": "deepzoom",
        "value": {
          "watermark": false,
          "enabled": false,
          "public": true

Video update

Update video by sending below payload. All keys are mandatory except storyboard (storyboard is needed only when Video Storyboard addon is enabled).

  "key": "video",
  "value": {
    "video_transcode_test_mode": true,
    "thumbnails": {
      "video_default": {
      "height": 480,
      "width": 640
    "storyboard": {
        "enabled": true,
        "mode": "number",
        "mode_value": 5,
        "width": 480,
        "height": 360,
        "public": true,
        "aspect": "pad",
        "padding": "000000",
        "upscale": true
    "preview": {
      "video_preview_public": true,
      "video_preview_start": "00:00:03.001",
      "video_preview_length": 5,
      "video_preview_preset": "480p-wm-video",
      "video_preview_enabled": true,
      "video_preview_aspect": "pad",
      "video_preview_padding": "000000",
      "video_preview_upscale": true
    "transcodes": {
      "360p-video": { "enabled": true, "public": false, "aspect": "pad", "padding": "000000", "upscale": true },
      "360p-wm-video": { "enabled": true, "public": true, "aspect": "pad", "padding": "000000", "upscale": true },
      "480p-video": { "enabled": true, "public": false, "aspect": "pad", "padding": "000000", "upscale": true },
      "480p-wm-video": { "enabled": true, "public": true, "aspect": "pad", "padding": "000000", "upscale": true },
      "720p-video": { "enabled": true, "public": false, "aspect": "pad", "padding": "000000", "upscale": true },
      "720p-wm-video": { "enabled": true, "public": true, "aspect": "pad", "padding": "000000", "upscale": true },
      "1080p-video": { "enabled": true, "public": false, "aspect": "pad", "padding": "000000", "upscale": true },
      "1080p-wm-video": { "enabled": true, "public": true, "aspect": "pad", "padding": "000000", "upscale": true },
      "hls-video": { "enabled": true, "public": true, "aspect": "pad", "padding": "000000", "upscale": true, "watermark": true }

Addons update

Update addons by sending below payload. All addons provided in GET /user/settings API must be supplied.

  "key": "addons",
  "value": {
    "COLOR_INFO": {
      "added": true,
      "enabled": true
    "CLIP_PATH": {
      "added": true,
      "enabled": true
      "added": true,
      "enabled": true

Watermark update

There are two steps to update watermark. STEP 1 is to upload a new watermark which is optional. STEP 2 is to update the watermark placement and scaling and optionally confirm the file uploaded in STEP 1 as the new watermark.

STEP 1(optional): Upload watermark file

Upload a image as watermark using multipart/form-data HTTP POST

Note that the uploaded file is not set as Watermark immediately and must be confirmed via another API call.





Where API_KEY should be replaced with your API Key


Contains the uploaded File key watermarkFileKey that must be sent for confirmation in STEP 2.

{ "url": "", "watermarkFileKey":

STEP 2: Update Watermark options and confirm new watermark file

Watermark Placement and Scaling and optionally the newly uploaded file from STEP 1 can be updated as below.





Where API_KEY should be replaced with your API Key


"key": "watermark",
"value": {
        "watermarkFileKey": watermarkFileKey,
        "watermarkPlacement": watermarkPlacement,
        "watermarkScale": watermarkScale
Parameter Type Description
watermarkFileKey (optional) string use watermarkFileKey returned by watermark file upload API call
watermarkPlacement string center, top-left, top-right, bottom-left or bottom-right
watermarkScale number between 0 and 1, like 0.1, 0.5, 0.9, etc. A value of 0.1 would place a watermark that is not larger than 10% in width and height of the target image

User Notifications - Get

Get the notifications API. Notifications are system messages to a user to provide information such as asset events, etc.

Notifications are limited to latest 100.





Where API_KEY should be replaced with your API Key


Standard HTTP code and JSON payload as below.

  "notifications": [
      "id": 2,
      "message": "Collection updated by",
      "url": "/collection/1",
      "disposal": "ON_ACK",
      "timestamp": "2022-05-14T07:08:49Z"
      "id": 1,
      "message": "Welcome! New notifications will appear here.",
      "url": null,
      "disposal": "ON_READ",
      "timestamp": "2022-05-15T07:08:15Z"
Parameter Details
id Notification id, used for disposing
message Notification text
url Any associated URL
disposal What should be done with the message. See below
timestamp ISO 8601 datetime indicating when the notification was issued

Notifications have two disposals listed below.

Disposal type Details
ON_READ Can be disposed automatically
ON_ACK User acknowledgement required

User Notifications - Delete

Delete notifications API.




List of notification ids.

[1, 2, 3]



Where API_KEY should be replaced with your API Key


Standard HTTP codes.

Jobs API

Jobs API provides status of all user initiated jobs in FileSpin.

Jobs List - Get

/jobs API returns the list of of a jobs initiated by caller.

The following section provide the specification for API request/response


HTTP GET[?offset=0&limit=10]

URL Parameter Value Description
offset (optional) integer Defaults to 0. The offset paging results. Use limit and total value in first call response to paginate
limit (optional) integer Defaults to 30. The number of jobs to return



Where API_KEY should be replaced with your API Key


The API call will return with a JSON response as below.

    "count": 15,
    "limit": 30,
    "offset": 0,
    "total": 15,
    "jobs": [
key Value Description
count integer The number of jobs returned in this response
offset integer Defaults to 0. The offset for job records
limit integer Defaults to 30. The number of jobs to return
total integer The total number of jobs initiated by the caller
jobs JSON The list of job JSON as specified in Job Status - Get

Job Status - Get

/jobs/{job_id} API returns the status of a job.

The following section provide the specification for API request/response


HTTP GET{job_id}

Use your API Key to send the API request JSON as below:-



Where API_KEY should be replaced with your API Key


The API call will return with a JSON response as below.

  "status": "COMPLETED",
  "message": "",
  "job_id": 1234,
  "creator_id": 272,
  "requested_at": "2017-04-20T16:08:02Z",
  "completed_at": "2017-04-20T16:08:02Z",
  "job_steps": {
  "input": {},
  "callback": {},
Key Value Description
status string Can be "QUEUED", "IN_PROGRESS", "COMPLETED", "ERROR"
message string On "ERROR" status, this will contain the error message that can be used to diagnose the error
job_id integer the job ID to track the job
creator_id integer id of the user who initiated the job
requested_at string ISO 8601 datetime, time at which the job request was received
completed_at string ISO 8601 datetime, time at which the job completed
job_steps JSON the job steps and step completion timestamps. This is useful for monitoring progress. The steps will vary depending on the job type.
input JSON the API request JSON that created this job
callback JSON the callback JSON issued if job completed. If job is not completed yet, this will be an empty dictionary
type string the job type. Only "VIDEO_TRANSCODE" supported at this time

Steps for Video Transcode Job

The job_steps for VIDEO_TRANSCODE job type is as below:-

   "transcodes": {
          "480p-video": {
              "status": "COMPLETED",
              "percent_complete": 100,
              "started_at": "2023-07-18T15:09:24Z",
              "finished_at": "2023-07-18T15:09:28Z",
              "message": ""
     "addons": {
           "storyboard": {
               "status": "COMPLETED",
               "percent_complete": 100,
               "started_at": "2023-07-18T15:06:12Z",
               "finished_at": "2023-07-18T15:08:46Z",
               "message": ""
      "preprocess": {
          "status": "COMPLETED",
          "percent_complete": 100,
          "started_at": "2023-07-18T15:09:24Z",
          "finished_at": "2023-07-18T15:09:25Z",
          "message": "Downloaded & verified integrity of input file"
      "postprocess": {
          "status": "COMPLETED",
          "percent_complete": 100,
          "started_at": "2023-07-18T15:09:26Z",
          "finished_at": "2023-07-18T15:09:28Z",
          "message": "Completed uploading outputs"
Key Value Description
status string Can be "QUEUED", "IN_PROGRESS", "COMPLETED", "ERROR"
message string On "ERROR" status, this will contain the error message that can be used to diagnose the error
percent_complete integer job progress as percentage value
started_at string ISO 8601 datetime, time at which the step processing was started
finished_at string ISO 8601 datetime, time at which the step completed


The prefetch and purge CDN APIs provide the ability to selectively manage CDN asset cache.

CDN Asset Prefetch

This API provides prefetch for CDN assets. You can use this to pre-cache video assets. If you have more than a few assets to pre-cache, we recommend that you batch them in one API call.


Using your API Key send a request as below:-





Where API_KEY should be replaced with your API Key


The request body should be a JSON as below.

  "asset_urls": ["/video/8e563c1435e643b19fea2d42f2f73948/720p-wm-video.mp4"],
  "cache_expiry": 12

Example CDN prefetch request

curl -X "POST" "" \
     -H "X-FileSpin-Api-Key: 0de9d8e207974dc7b29c76372890e4ca" \
     -H "Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8" \
     -d $'{
  "asset_urls": [
  "cache_expiry": 168
Key Value Description
asset_urls list List of asset URLs parts. Maximum of 1000 URLs. These URLs can be Video Streaming URLs.
cache_expiry integer Number of hours this asset should be cached. Must be from 12 to 720.

CDN Asset Purge

This API provides purge option for CDN assets. You can use this to purge cached video assets. If you have more than a few assets to purge, we recommend that you batch them in one API call.


Using your API Key send a request as below:-





Where API_KEY should be replaced with your API Key


The request body should be a JSON as below.

  "asset_urls": ["/video/8e563c1435e643b19fea2d42f2f73948/720p-wm-video.mp4"]

Example CDN purge request

curl -X "POST" "" \
 -H "X-FileSpin-Api-Key: 0de9d8e207974dc7b29c76372890e4ca" \
 -H "Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8" \
 -d $'{
"asset_urls": [
Key Value Description
asset_urls list List of asset URLs parts. Maximum of 1000 URLs. These URLs can be Video Streaming URLs.


Addons & Addon API

FileSpin provides many addons that can be added and used within a user account. These addons provide special and custom processing such as video/audio subtitles, image auto-tags, etc.

Image Editor Addon

FileSpin provides an Image Editor with rich image editing capabilities. The Image Editor can be used in web-based applications.

Image Auto-Tags

FileSpin provides an Add-on for auto-tagging images and capturing analysis metadata such as Labels, Logos, Dominant colors, Web Detection, etc.

Once the add-on is activated, images uploaded are automatically analysed and tag data is captured by FileSpin. Add-on processing can also be initiated for an image by using the Image Processing API with image_analysis process key.

Auto-tags captured for an asset is automatically added to FileSpin to provide keyword search.

You can make use of /process API and /reprocess Batch API to create autotags.

Addon key for process and reprocess API: image_analysis

Also, once processing completes, Asset Data JSON will contain process state for the addon as below:

"addons_info": {
      "available": true

Retrieve Auto-tags

API to retrieve an image asset's auto-tag data.





Where API_KEY should be replaced with your API Key


Parameter Description
ASSET_ID File's unique FileSpin ID, 32 character alphanumeric UUID


  "labelAnnotations": [
      "score": 0.8699386,
      "data": "alabel"
  "bestGuessLabels": [
      "label": "red elephant",
      "languageCode": "en"
Parameter Description
labelAnnotations List of labels with confidence score (0 = least confident, 1= very confident)
bestGuessLabels Best guess summary of the image

Image Clipping Path

FileSpin provides Clipping Path Add-On for JPG images to automatically generate on-demand transparent PNG images after applying clipping path described within a JPG image. This allows dynamic background color for images based on page specific styles.

Once the add-on is activated, transparent PNG on-demand images are automatically generated for uploaded images. For any valid JPG image with Clipping Path data embedded within, Clipping Path processing can be initiated using the Image Processing API with smart_imaging process key.

You can make use of /process API and /reprocess Batch API.

Addon key for process and reprocess API: smart_imaging

Also, once processing completes, Asset Data JSON will contain process state for the addon as below:

  "addons_info": {
      "available": true

Image Color Palette

FileSpin provides Color Palette Add-on for analysing images and capturing dominant color and palette information.

Once the add-on is activated, images uploaded are automatically analysed and analysis data is captured by FileSpin. To retrieve color data for an image use the Asset Get Data API and check for ColorPalette within metadata.

You can make use of /process API and /reprocess Batch API.

Addon key for process and reprocess API: color_info

Also, once processing completes, Asset Data JSON will contain process state for the addon as below:

  "addons_info": {
      "available": true

Tools & Integrations

FileSpin provides Smart Uploaders, Webhook integrations and Database export mechanisms to integrate your applications.


The FileSpin Teleport is a native application that provides both a dashboard and APIs to enable you to manage and upload assets. One of its key features is the ability to continuously monitor specific folders (Watched Folders, a.ka. Hot Folders) and upload files in the background, providing a reliable and efficient way to upload assets while automatically managing bandwidth usage and seamlessly handling any connectivity loss.

To begin using the FileSpin Teleport, you can contact the FileSpin Support team, who will provide you with instructions on how to download and install the Teleport, as well as guide you on setting up the Watched Folders to monitor for new files. Once installed, you can access the Teleport dashboard to manage and monitor your assets.

If you need further assistance, the FileSpin Support team will be available to help you with any questions or issues that may arise related to both the Teleport dashboard and APIs.

Teleport API

The FileSpin Teleport is a native application that provides a reliable and efficient way to upload assets by continuously monitoring specific folders, known as Watched Folders, while automatically managing bandwidth usage and handling connectivity loss seamlessly. In addition to the dashboard interface, the Teleport exposes APIs that allow programmatic access to its features.

First-time Login & Activation

To get started with Teleport, visit the Teleport Dashboard and login using your FileSpin Cloud Login. The login will be validated against the FileSpin Cloud account. Once logged in, you will be able to use Teleport without having to login again.

Asset Archival Policy

On successful upload of hot-folder asset to the Cloud, these assets are archived. Assets are archived for 30 days by default. This can be changed by the IT administrator. Once an asset is archived, it will be available in read-only mode and cannot be updated via Teleport API.

Please note the following limitations for archived assets:

Using Teleport API

The Teleport API is follows the same semantics as the FileSpin Cloud API for supported APIs. Please see below for APIs supported by Teleport.

Teleport User Guide

This Guide is intended for FileSpin Teleport Administrators who are responsible for managing the application using the on-premise Web Dashboard.

The on-premise Web Dashboard interface is accessible via any modern browser within the network that FileSpin Teleport is deployed. Access to the application requires a valid FileSpin Cloud user account with Administrator role.

FileSpin Teleport provides the ability to:-

Configuring Watched Folders

The Watched Folder feature enables automatic upload of files (Push to Cloud ) by monitoring a specific folders and sending the files to FileSpin Cloud automatically. The files that have been successfully sent to the cloud are either deleted from the local folder or moved to an archive folder based on the upload policy.

To mark one or more folders as Watched folders:-

At any time, you can modify Watched Folder settings or remove a folder being a Watched Folder.

Creating a job manually

In addition to using the Watched Folder feature, you can also create an upload job manually by clicking on the "New Job" button in the Teleport dashboard. This feature allows you to manually select the folders to upload.

Setting Upload Policy

The Teleport dashboard also provides the option to set the upload policy, which determines how the Teleport will handle file uploads.


Webhooks are web application URLs (such as that you specify in your Settings profile for FileSpin service to provide automatic callback notification of events such as asset uploads, updates, etc.

You save multiple webhooks in your settings profile to receive these callback notifcations.

Asset Events

Webhook callbacks are issued for the following asset events:-

Event Description
file-saved When a file is stored in your storage after user uploads a file through File Picker or through Upload API
file-processed When image and video conversions are processed for a file as part of upload workflow or via Image or Video Conversion API
file-data-updated When custom data is attached to a file using FileSpin.update method of File Picker or using Update File Data API
file-deleted When image conversions, video transcodes or the original file is deleted using Delete API
file-undeleted When the original file is undeleted using Undelete API
addon-processed An addon has completed processing

Webhook data format

The events and their webhook callback data format is as listed below:-

Event Data format
file-saved Asset Data Format
file-processed Asset Data Format
file-data-updated Asset Data Format
file-deleted See below
file-undeleted See below
addon-processed Asset Data Format

On-demand image (ODI) is available for assets after they are processed the first time. Availability of ODI for an asset is indicated with the ON_DEMAND_IMAGE key in addons_info of Asset Data JSON.

"addons_info": {
      "available": true

Successful "file-deleted" event - Example data

  "event": "file-deleted",
  "id": "d78aa1a301ef4a2fbd8fa0cffd835b79",
  "keys": ["deepzoom"],
  "status": "OK",
  "statusMsg": ""

Unsuccessful "file-deleted" event - Example data

  "event": "file-deleted",
  "id": "d78aa1a301ef4a2fbd8fa0cffd835b79",
  "keys": ["deepzoom"],
  "status": "ERROR",
  "message": "S3 Permission denied",
  "errors": {
    "deepzoom": "S3 Permission denied"

Successful "file-undeleted" event - Example data

  "event": "file-undeleted",
  "id": "d78aa1a301ef4a2fbd8fa0cffd835b79",
  "keys": ["original"],
  "status": "OK",
  "message": ""

Unsuccessful "file-undeleted" event - Example data

  "event": "file-undeleted",
  "id": "d78aa1a301ef4a2fbd8fa0cffd835b79",
  "keys": ["original"],
  "status": "ERROR",
  "message": "Undeletion error"

Unlike the other events, file-deleted and file-undeleted events only provide details about the deletion/undeletion and not the complete file details.

The data format for file-deleted and file-undeleted are as shown in the code sample to the right.

JSON Parameters

Key Value Description
id string file id
event string file-deleted or file-undeleted
keys JSON list of keys sent in original request for deletion
status string "OK" if call was successful, "MAYBE" if is uncertain (check the statusMsg in this case), "ERROR" if call could not be fully completed. If "ERROR" is returned, "errors" will contain specific error details for each failed key
message string Additional details about status
errors JSON Contains the keys that failed and specific error message. See sample response.

Database Export

MySQL export

FileSpin can export Asset data to your MySQL database. To use this feature, create a table named FILE_DATA_V2 table shown below in your database and update your account settings to point to this database.

  `status` varchar(11) DEFAULT NULL,
  `event` varchar(30) DEFAULT NULL,
  `user_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
  `update_user_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
  `id` char(32) NOT NULL,
  `name` varchar(200) NOT NULL,
  `size` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
  `content_type` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL,
  `checksum` char(40) DEFAULT NULL,
  `upload_time` datetime DEFAULT NULL,
  `update_time` datetime DEFAULT NULL,
  `provider` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL,
  `data` text,
  `key` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
  `bucket` varchar(500) NOT NULL,
  `storage_type` varchar(30) DEFAULT NULL,
  `conversions` varchar(2000) DEFAULT NULL,
  `public` tinyint(1) DEFAULT NULL,
  UNIQUE KEY `file_id` (`id`),
  KEY `file_name` (`name`),
  KEY `user_id` (`user_id`),
  KEY `mime_type` (`content_type`),
  KEY `status` (`status`)
) CHARSET=utf8;

The table structure corresponds to Asset Data format used across FileSpin APIs and Webhook callback payload.

Service Limits

Type Limit
Users, User Groups Upto 200 users in one user group. Upto 10 user groups. To increase these limits, please contact Support.
Assets No limit
Image resizing Upto 30 MB source image. To setup resizing of images larger than 30 MB, please contact Support.
Video transcoding Upto 15 GB. To setup transcoding of larger videos, please contact Support.
Image formats (source) Standard image formats: jpg, png, bmp, tiff, gif, webp, etc. RAW formats: raf, cr2, iiq, mos, raw, rw2, tif, fff, 3fr, nef and many more
Video formats (source) 3GP, AAC, AVI, FLV, MOV, MPEG-2, MP4, WMV, etc.

Release notes

July 2023

Cloud Uploads - Dropbox now allows users to upload an entire folder from Dropbox to FileSpin. Additionally, the hard limit on number of Dropbox files shown is removed, a Load more button allows user to progressively load more files from Dropbox.

Job API has been extended to allow retrieval of video transcode Jobs and comprehensive Job progress. For developer docs visit Jobs API section.

May 2023

/trim option for on-demand images that allows you to trim the image to remove transparent pixels from the edges of the image. Performance improvements for on-demand image processing.

Mar 2023

Teleport on-premise software that allows batch asset migration from on-premise locations and on-premise processing of assets.

Jan 2023

Web Image Editor a new web based image editor that allows you to edit images in the browser. This editor is available in the Filespin Picker and Filespin Connector. Also available as a javascript component to embed in your applications.

Dec 2022

Asset Metadata Schema API a full-featured API for managing Asset Metadata Schema. This API allows you to create, update, delete and retrieve Asset Metadata Schema. For developer docs visit Asset Schema section.

Mar 2022

Headless DAM: New User Management API release

Mar 2022

Headless DAM: New Collections API release

Jan 2022

Headless DAM: Picker, Connector release at domain

Mar 2021

Addon: Automatic Video Subtitles with multiple languages including automatic WebVTT generation, WebVTT editor and CDN delivery of subtitles for video player embeds.

Feb 2021

File Picker 2.0 released with versatile Image editor, additional APIs for more control, improved user experience.

Dec 2020

Performance improvements for global users Global platform upgrade that enhances API and CDN performance for all users.

Sep 2020

Addon: Advanced Image Corrections pipeline addon Based on ML-pipelines.

June 2020

Platform feature: ML-based image processing pipelines released Platform feature that adds ability to deploy custom ML processing pipelines.

27 Mar 2020

Processing status of On-demand image for an asset after upload. We have introduced a new key within "Common File Data Format" called ON_DEMAND_IMAGE that will indicate the processing status of On-demand Image. It will be set in the payload on every webhook callback for an asset and /data API call response.

17 Feb 2020

Download option for Image and Video CDN asset delivery released. The additional URL parameters can be used to allow downloadable delivery of assets via image and Video CDN. The parameters allow you to set the name of downloaded file.

25 Sep 2019

Additional debug messages on file transformation failures.

webp support for background colors. For supported browsers, webp format images will be automatically returned for dynamic image sizing, also includes correct handling of background color param.

20 May 2019

New UI features and updates released. Easily manage Addons within the UI. Lot of minor bug fixes and improvements.

Dominant color addon released. Retrieve dominant color information for an image asset.

Clipping Path JPG2PNG addon released. Apply Clipping path embedded in a JPG to create transparent PNG on-demand image. This allows dynamic background color for images based on page specific styles.

12 Mar 2019

New UI features released. New UI features that allow list view of assets along with UI preferences for styling views released.

Dropped support for Instagram Uploads. We have dropped support for Instagram cloud uploads.

27 Sep 2018

filespin.js - FileSpin.delete() API released. This new filespin.js API allows you to delete a user upload from the frontend javascript immediately after an upload.

Dropped support for Instagram Uploads. We have dropped support for Instagram cloud uploads.

Sep 2018

Asset Metadata Schema is released. This is a major feature that introduces the ability to assign a JSON Schema for Asset metadata. This feature enables powerful metadata management and search capabilities to help users manage and find assets more quickly and easily. For developer docs visit Asset Schema section.

Dropped support for Facebook Uploads. We have dropped support for Facebook cloud uploads.

17 Sep 2018

Webhooks with Configurable Events. This new options allows you to selective enable the events for which Webhook callbacks should be made. For developer docs visit Webhooks Asset Events section.

30 July 2018

Instant Download is released. This feature allows users to start downloading asset collections instantly without delays. Whether the collection has a few files or a hundred files, download will start instantly.

5 Feb 2018

Image Analysis add-on for images released. This allows automatic image tagging and search.